Iran admits its role in the proxy war

Not that anyone didn’t already know this, but they’re getting bolder and bolder about admitting how much they are stirring the pot against Israel. And, oh, yeah, the IDF hasn’t got a chance against them.

TEHRAN (AFP) – The head of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards warned that Hamas-led Palestinians would be victorious in any confrontation with Israel under premier-elect Ehud Olmert.

“Today we have on one side the revolutionary and Islamic Hamas and on the other the new party of Kadima,” General Yahya Rahim Safavi said Wednesday in reaction to Olmert’s election win Tuesday and the imminent investiture of the new Hamas administration.

“(If) they confront one another, with the Muslims’ support for the revolutionary Palestinians, great victories will definitely be for the Palestinians,” he told state television.

[…] “Today the Iranians are hand-in-hand with the Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis and Palestinians initiating a new trend that will free Palestine and will see the defeat of the Zionists and the US’s greater Middle East plan,” Savafi said.

Gotta love this AFP description of Iran’s army, though:

The elite Revolutionary Guards corps is one of the most powerful institutions set up after the 1979 Islamic revolution to defend Iran from internal and external threats.

Yeah, they were fearsome against the Iraqi army in the eighties. And they’re hell-on-wheels against unarmed student protesters. I’m thinking they’d fare pretty poorly against the IDF, but for that, they’d have to invade Israel. Not gonna happen. They work best as puppetmasters, apparently, running their proxy war through Hezbullah.

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2 Responses to Iran admits its role in the proxy war

  1. Yankev says:

    is one of the most powerful institutions set up after the 1979 Islamic revolution to defend Iran from internal and external threats

    Yeah, sure they are; and see Rashi’s comment to “Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generation.” Especially the opinion of the “yaish omrim (there are those that say)”

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    The problem with the IDF is that they shoot back. The Revolutionary Guards aren’t used to that.

    These clowns presume an awful lot on Israel’s good nature and self restraint. How long do you think the Palis would last if Israel behaved like the Syrian Ba’athists, and treated Mablus or Ramallah the way Assad treated Hama? As the Arabs counted on the decency of the US in Iraq not to go postal on them, these vicious brutes depend on the decency of the Israelis. Wait till the Israelis’ patience snaps.

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