Mahmoud Zahar

Hamas’ cabinet has been sworn in by Mahmoud Abbas, and they’ve hit the ground running at the mouth:

Newly-installed PA Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar said the United States is biased toward Israel, guilty of crimes against the Muslim and Arab world and is widening the rift between the American people and those of the Middle East.

Zahar, considered one of the more hard-line officials in the Palestinians’ new Hamas-led government, also said his group would not cave in to international pressure to change its ways and that it had no plans to negotiate with Israel.

Responding to a statement by U.S. President George W. Bush, that Washington would provide no aid to a Palestinian government headed by Hamas unless it changes its extremist policies, Zahar said Bush’s comments were in line with American support for Israel in the United Nations, and its massive aid to Israel.

“America is committing big crimes against the Arab and Islamic countries,” Zahar told The Associated Press late Wednesday at his Gaza home. “This new decision will intensify the gap between the American people, American interests and the Middle East in general,” Zahar said.

Just in case you’re wondering about this Mahmoud Zahar’s goals, here’s a hint in his own words from January 15, 2004:

“She [Hamas suicide bomber Re’em Al-Riyashi] is not going to be the last because the march of resistance will continue until the Islamic flag is raised, not only over the minarets of Jerusalem, but over the whole universe.”7

This is the man that Hamas has decided to represent the embodiment of the Palestinian Authority’s foreign policy, and Mahmoud Abbas has sworn the man in.

Anyone want to guess how long it is before he ends up in the parking lot in Ramallah, or will the Israelis not even allow the body to leave Gaza?

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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One Response to Mahmoud Zahar

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    The US has been the chief protector of Muslims for decades. Not just in Bosnia and Kossovo, but in supporting the Afghans against the Soviets and going all the way back to preventing the USSR from annexing Azerbaijan from Iran after WWII and protecting Turkey against Soviet pressure. In the case of the Arabs the US twice saved Egypt from the full consequences of her own malevolence, incompetence, and stupidity. That was in 1956 and in 1973. Our enemies among the Arab dictators have killed far more Muslims, including Arabs, that the Israelis, and orders of magnitude more than we have in the course of rescuing the Kuwaitis and the Iraqis from Saddam Hussien, who has the blood of well over a million Muslims on his hands. And this feeble-witted twerp has the gall to say the US is the enemy of Arabs? He should look in a mirror for the real enemy of the Muslims.

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