How can this be? Israel is “racist”!

Let us count the minorities: She’s black. She’s Ethiopan. She’s Jewish. And she’s an Israeli diplomat.

Belaynesh Zevadia said she is a minority in every sense of the word — a black, Jewish, Israeli, Ethiopian woman living in the South.

But Zevadia is also deputy consul general of Israel to the southwest United States and the first Ethiopian woman in the Israeli Diplomatic Service.

[…] Zevadia has served as an Israeli delegate to the United Nations, a counselor in the Religious Affairs Bureau at the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem and the consul of Israel to the Midwest United States.

The horrors of Israel, the “racist, apartheid” state, in action.

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2 Responses to How can this be? Israel is “racist”!

  1. chsw says:

    Contrast this to the Arab Muslim on Black Muslim civil war in Sudan.


  2. At the beginning of Aqsa Intifada a border policeman Yonatan Vermullen and soldier Gad Marahsha went to disarm a bomb. Unfortunately, there was a second bomb nearby and it was detonated near the two of them, killing them both.
    Vermullen was a Dutch born Christian who considered Israel home. Capt. Marahsha was an Ethiopian soldier who had come to Israel with his family 20 years earlier; head of a tracker unit. (Most of his soldiers were Bedouin and he was known not to eat in front of them during Ramadan.)
    I would have thought that two such different people working (and unfortunately dying) together would have sparked some interest. But it never did. In the early days of the intifada it was very clear what a melting pot Israel was. The nationalities of the victims of terror (unfortunately) were quite diverse. (When Malki Roth was killed at Sbarro’s, victims of the intifada represented every single inhabited continent.)
    I’m not trying to be gruesome here, but Israel is a remarkable melting pot but it is only judged by its relations with Arabs, specifically the Palestinians. And the Arabs are some of the least open societies in the world. It is absurd.

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