It’s a crime for Jews to buy land in Israel

At least, that seems to be the theme of this AP article.

JERUSALEM (AP) – A private Jewish group has taken over two buildings in largely Arab east Jerusalem, provoking clashes with Palestinian neighbors.

Elad, a nonprofit organization that buys Arab properties in east Jerusalem for Jewish settlers, purchased the two buildings “more than a few months ago,” said Adi Mintz, a member of the group’s board of directors.

Several Jewish families moved in last week after the Arab sellers moved out, Mintz said.

Jewish organizations, often funded by wealthy American Jews, have bought up dozens of properties in Arab areas of Jerusalem, touching off riots and generating animosity among the Palestinian residents of the disputed city.

Israel says all of Jerusalem is its capital, while Palestinians claim the eastern half for the capital of a future state. The fate of the city and of its holy shrines has been one of the major obstacles in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking.

The two buildings Elad bought are on the Mount of Olives, about 100 yards from an ancient Jewish cemetery. Israeli security guards armed with assault rifles and walkie-talkies guard the three-story buildings, which are fronted by metal gates shut with a heavy padlock and chains.

Hm. Mount of Olives, Mount of Olives. Why does that name come up in my memory? Oh, that’s right. Because the Arabs, under Jordanian rule, desecrated the Jewish cemetery there.

And then there’s the fact that Jews lived in East Jerusalem until 1947, when Jordan invaded and threw them out, dividing the city for the first time in its three-millennia history.

So in effect, Jews are paying twice for what was once theirs — and the world calls it stealing palestinian land.

Once again, the anti-Israel bias of the media is explicit. And once again, it’s our old pal Ramit Plushtick-Masti heading the jeerleader squad. Nasty Masti, head jeerleader. Yeah, that works for me.

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8 Responses to It’s a crime for Jews to buy land in Israel

  1. chsw says:

    Please post a link to Elad so that those readers inclined to contribute may do so.


  2. I don’t have that link. Feel free to research it yourself and post it in the comments here, though.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    I keep telling you, Meryl, the Arab-Israel conflict is subject to special analytical rules. It doesn’t matter what happened in 1947 or 1967 or last night. History starts anew each day and therefore Israel’s reaction to anything can’t be taken into account.

  4. Gary Rosen says:

    One small error in your story, Meryl – Jews did not live in “East Jerusalem” until 1947. They lived in the eastern half of Jerusalem, because there was not, and never has been, any such place as “East Jerusalem”. “East Jerusalem” is a fiction made up by the Arabs in their attempt to lay claim to a city that has been Jewish for 4000 years.

  5. Sabba Hillel says:

    Here is a link found by Google

    Elad Foundation

    Company Profile
    The Elad Foundation
    Description: Association for the promotion of tourism and settlement in the City of David in Jerusalem. ELAD has a visitor center in the City of David with tours and a variety of educational activities in addition to activities aimed at increasing settlement in the City of David.
    Address: 14 Ramat Hagolan st. Ramat Eshcol, Jerusalem 93848
    No. of Employees in Israel: 26-50
    Company established: 1986
    Phone: 02-5818989
    Fax: 02-5818987
    Web Site:

  6. Cynic says:

    So in effect, Jews are paying twice for what was once theirs — and the world calls it stealing palestinian land.

    And in Sweden their Jewish citizens are legitimate targets because of this ongoing conflict: (via Discarded Lies)
    “The radical reinterpretation of incitement against Jews by the Chancellor of Justice in Sweden.”

    Lambertz thought that the “recently mentioned statements in spite of their contents are not to be considered “incitement against an ethnic group according to Swedish law”. His conclusions were that the preliminary investigation should be discontinued because this case of incitement against Jews could be said to originate from the Middle East conflict. That is, in spite of the calls for ”killing the Jews”, these statements are not a crime in the legal sense in Sweden, because of the current conflict in the Middle East, according to the Chancellor of Justice. The logical conclusion is clear. If one mentions Palestine in hate speeches and calls for massmurder against Jews, one risks nothing in Sweden.

    But any comment against Islamist behaviour is a crime and the cartoons were banned from publication.
    This seems so ‘Nazi’ in behaviour that the Jewish community of Sweden can be held culpable for what’s happening to Jews in Israel.

    Official Sweden wants to cut down on the little aid there is, to Jewish institutions for security; schools among others, and refuse absolutely to take over any responsibility for the security measures that even security police reports deem necessary. Jewish cemeteries in Stockholm and Malmoe have been vandalized recently.
    The Chief of police in Stockholm wants to remove the cement impediments in front of the great Synagogue of Stockholm.
    Jews are being harassed and persecuted in certain suburbs of Stockholm only because of their Jewishness and many have been forced to move to get away from the harassment. …….
    The most frightening thing about this decision is the resounding silence that it has generated.

    Maybe it is time for World Jewry to start shouting?

  7. chsw says:

    First, thank you Sabba Hillel for sorting through those Google entries.

    Second, Cynic is right. It is time for world Jewry to start protesting what is happening in Sweden as well as elsewhere in Europe.


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