The media is a ass*

In an AP story dated April 7, 6:13 a.m. (ET), the headline says:

Palestinian PM Refuses to Recognize Israel

In an AP story dated April 7, 7:45 a.m. (ET), the headline says:

Hamas: Ready for ‘2-State’ Solution

One of these things is not like the other.

Hamas has learned how to lie and play the gullible — one would even say, stupid — media hacks that report what they think the world wants to hear. From the first article:

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) – In a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas declined to recognize Israel, appealed for understanding from the United States and insisted that his Cabinet, not Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, will have control over security forces.

From the second article:

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) – The Islamic militant group Hamas is ready for a “two-state” solution with Israel, a senior official said Friday, a position that would imply recognition of the Jewish state for the first time.

The official said Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh planned to present a proposal to the moderate Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, in a meeting later Friday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the proposal has not yet been submitted.

From the first article:

When asked if he was a pragmatic man and would recognize Israel, he switched to English: “That is a big question.”

He said there was no change in Hamas’ refusal to recognize Israel, renounce violence and respect all past accords signed by the Palestinian Authority – the three conditions Israel and the West have imposed for dealing with Hamas, which is listed as a terror group by the U.S. and European Union.

From the second article:

In a published interview Friday, Zahar said his government is prepared to discuss the idea of a settlement with Israel with the Quartet of international Mideast negotiator – the U.S., European Union, Russia and United Nations.

“Let us speak about what is the meaning of the two-state solution,” he told The Times of London. “We will ask them what is their concept concerning the two-state solution.”

I read the Times article. Haniyeh did not say he is ready for a two-state solution. He danced around the question in six different ways, and then made noises like he would be interested in it, but only after Israel returned to the ’67 borders and agreed to the so-called “right of return” for palestinian refugees.

The AP is lying, and that lie will continue to spread, until the EU can say, “See? Hamas wants to discuss peace with Israel. We can give them money, they’re no longer terrorists.”

And in the meantime, Jews will die from terrorist attacks, and because Hamas doesn’t claim responsibility, the world will pretend they are not complicit.

What time is it, folks? That’s right, it’s Israel Double Standard Time.

*Apologies to Charles Dickens, who wrote in Oliver Twist: “The law is a ass.”

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