The media spins Gaza

Wah, wah, wah. The palestinians cry about Israeli restrictions, the media reports it, and yet, these restrictions have absolutely no context whatsoever, right?

Wrong. The context the media uses now is “collective punishment.” They parrot the Hamas line:

But Palestinian officials say the lockdown is collective punishment for the Hamas militant group’s overwhelming victory in January parliament elections.

“There’s a clear Israeli policy of laying siege to the Palestinian territories in an attempt to make the Palestinian people pay a price for choosing Hamas,” said Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for new Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, a top Hamas leader.

Well, today the Israeli Security Cabinet voted to cut off all ties with the PA, including not negotiating with Mahmoud Abbas. This makes sense. Abbas has nothing to bargain with. Hamas has completely emasculated him and negated all of the moves Abbas made to try to hang onto power. And Abbas is no Yasser Arafat, able to bribe, bully, and flatter his way into anything.

Of course, the media have already turned this around and made it Israel’s fault. Read this piece of drek (bring an airsick bag) titled “Life brutal under Gaza missiles.”

Once again, the world is making sure that the palestinians bear utterly no responsibility for their actions. Well, here’s a tip or three: Don’t elect terrorists to represent you and then act surprised when the world says they’re not going to deal with terrorists. Don’t send rockets into Israel and then act surprised when Israel sends rockets back, killing terrorists and destroying their hideouts.

And don’t raise your children to be suicide bombers, and then act surprised when they are killed on their way to carry out attacks.

Not that I expect any of these tips to be followed, but hey. It pisses off the hit-and-run commenters who think that I’m going to approve their anti-Israel, anti-Semitic spews in my comments. (Yes, I’ve had a few this week, why do you ask?)

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3 Responses to The media spins Gaza

  1. Richard Saunders says:

    I wonder if Hamas Sunnis will turn on Hizbollah. The Egyptian and Jordanian leaders have already denounced Iranian use of non-national Shiites, which aptly describes their party-of-god puppets. Rich Arabs could pay for a sectarian cleansing. Something is brewing.

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  3. chsw says:

    Blowing up buses of innocents is not collective punishment??? Blowing up families during religious ceremonies is not collective punishment?? Random rocket attacks is not collective punishment??

    Every reporter in Israel should be restricted to riding buses, not taking cars with drivers or renting their own cars. Perhaps if the Reuters/UPI/AP/AFP journalist clones sweat a little while riding the buses, then the reporting might improve. Perhaps attendance at seders in Netanya hotels should be mandatory for the clones. Perhaps the local HQs for these news organizations should be moved from Tel Aviv to Ashkelon and Sderot, giving them better access to the rocket attack stories.


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