The real chaos in Gaza

The Palestinian Space Program needs to get a better grip on its PR, because they’re both pausing and escalating rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel:

PAUSING: HAARETZ: Islamic Jihad says suspending rocket fire on Israel for one week

Islamic Jihad said on Sunday it was suspending rocket fire from northern Gaza into Israel for one week to try to halt Israel Defense Forces artillery barrages which have sometimes hit civilian areas.

The group told Reuters the launching of makeshift rockets would resume if Israel did not stop air strikes and artillery attacks on the strip. Israel has said it was responding to the militant rocket fire.

ESCALATING: JERUSALEM POST: Islamic Jihad vows to step up attacks on Israel

In contradiction to an earlier report circulated Sunday that the Islamic Jihad intended to stop Kassam rocket attacks on Israel provided that Israel cease its attack on launch sites in Gaza, the organization vowed Sunday to step up its attacks on Israel.

“Islamic Jihad is going to escalate its attacks on the Zionist entity by all possible means,” Khader Habib, an Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza, said. “We are going to teach the government of Tel Aviv a lesson they are not going to forget.”

Perhaps if the IDF starts plinking these so-called spokesmen like ducks in a shooting gallery, these kind of inconsistencies would stop?

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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