Living with terror

The following is an email that was forwarded to me by Rahel who, at my request, did some fact-checking for me and attests to the veracity of the email. It is a look at what the so-called “settlers” have to put up with regularly, and a look into what might be the next opening on the terror front.

FW: Arab terror reconnaissance operating here
Last week a terrorist disguised himself as a religious Jew and was picked up at a hitchhiking station by residents that were going to the community of Kadumim. The Arab detonated 10 kg of explosives at the gate entrance of Kadumim resulting in 4 Jews murdered instantly

Now we have had at least one more incident of Arabs disguising themselves as Jews, if not to actually committ genocide but in order to test our awareness and defenses. Who knows, maybe it was a dry-run rehearsal by a woman who was preparing herself to actually committ genocide in the future.

I added some explanations and translated certain words and phrases for those that need it.

Friday afternoon I was on my way home, I stopped by the Gilo trempiada (hitchhiking station) to pick up anyone going to Efrat. A lady in her 40’s gets in and says she is going to Efrat. She had the appearance of a nice married Jewish women (scarf on the head and all) and spoke fluent Hebrew. So I picked her up and started driving.

As I was driving I could not help smelling an odor of sheep and of a an Arab village (Arab homes out here are heated with wood fireplaces and the smell if it clings on them) I turned and asked the women what her destination was, she answered “derech Efrat” (“by way of Efrat”), I asked her to specify a yishuv (community) and she kept quiet, at this point I became very suspicious and asked her if she was Jewish. She said yes and so I kept driving. I then took a wild guess and asked her if she needed to get to Bethlehem? She said YES!! (there are no Jews living in Bethlehem)

I swerved my car to the shoulder, jumped out and told her she has ten seconds to get out of my car, I was counting down with one hand on my gun. She started getting out and saying that I was embarrassing her and that she was Jewish!! I of course was feeling embarrassed and very confused. I asked for her identity card, she answered that she does not have it with her. I once again asked if she was Jewish and this time she told me she was an Arab woman! After several seconds of yelling at this woman, I told what the difference between a Jew and an Arab is! “YOU GUYS BLOW UP AND MURDER!!!!”

I immediately called Meir Katz (Efrat security officer) who instructed me to have this woman open her bags to make sure she was not carrying a bomb! I ordered her to rip open all five bags she was carrying and dump them on the sidewalk. She complained and yelled a little but I made it very clear I was not fooling around! After several seconds she started dumping her clothes out on the sidewalk! After being sure she was not carrying any weapons I ordered her to get back into the car and that I was taking her to the nearest army post. She got back in and I sped to the nearest checkpoint!

I jumped out and approached the MAGAVNICK (Border Patrol cop) with this story. I was FUMING (after what happened the day before in kedumim!) This woman has some nerve! The Magavnick told me that he will escort me to the Bethlehem base where they will arrest the woman! I arrived at the base and told the Magav that I will stick around till this woman is arrested. He then asked her for a Teudat Zehut (identity card) and she pulls out a green Palestinian Authority ID! She then turns to me and sarcastically says – “Toda Rabah!” (“Thank you very much!) – I turned to her and said – When you sick Muslims stop blowing people up I might take you in my car – till then keep your mouth shut!!!

The Magav came back after 20 minutes and said to me the following “this woman broke the law and we will therefore arrest her, /but you, too, broke the law!” In disbelief I replied “WHAT?!”

The Magav looked me straight in the eyes and says:” You were transporting a Palestinian without a permit!!!!”

I was in completes shock! I looked this guy back in the eye and said “put the cuffs on! I would love to stand in front of the judge and explain this!!” He then tells me that I can go and they will deal with the woman! I say NO WAY!! I am here to make sure you don’t let this woman go!! The Magav turns to me and says…”Go home!”

I left out of total disbelief!!!
PEOPLE: If you are waiting for a tremp (thumbing a ride) or are stopping to pick someone up ASK ABOUT ANY SUSPICIONS YOU HAVE!! Dont be shy or you might be DEAD!!

I had a bad feeling making a woman empty her belongings – BUT – that’s because I am Jewish!!! AND THAT”S EXACTLY WHAT THE ARABS ARE BETTING ON!!!

This case is exactly what “Lo lerachem al achzarim” means!!!! (lit: “Don’t be merciful to the cruel” He referred to the Talmudic expression: ‘Those who are merciful to the cruel inevitably become cruel to the merciful.’)

I have removed the author’s name, but again, Rahel fact-checked the story for me and I’m satisfied that it is true.

I hope that this story gets distributed widely, before the terrorists get another shot.

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2 Responses to Living with terror

  1. Ezzie says:

    JoeSettler posted this a couple of weeks ago, I believe… I think it was a friend of his.

  2. Andy says:

    You may want to pass back some recommendations for the folks using the trempiada system. Rather than waiting for someone to have suspicions, the hitchhikers should just start always flashing ID, and the drivers should do the same, and ask to see the hitchers’ IDs. There is no reason not to improve security at the user level.

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