The Jews looted the Baghdad Museum?

And now, for your Passover reading pleasure, an insane conspiracy story from Hassan Tahsin of Arab News:

The ransacking of the National Museum in Baghdad was done by Jewish groups that were well trained and organized. They did their dirty work under the supervision of American forces.

The Baghdad National Museum’s security guard told the story to many reporters in the American forces saying, “One American armored vehicle stood in front of the museum’s main gate while it was closed. The vehicle aimed the muzzle toward the main gate and fired the guns at it. Afterwards ten people entered the museum carrying demolishing tools and went to specific locations inside the museum destroying certain pieces of art for four hours continuously. Then they took special art pieces and disappeared. A number of professional thieves then entered the museum and stole valuable things and that was how Iraq’s history was stolen.”

The crime was organized and previously planned and it was implemented accordingly. Confronting the world’s condemnation concerning the failure of the US forces in protecting the rare Iraqi antiques, Washington announced that the incident happened by irresponsible, angry Iraqis who were cursing Saddam Hussein’s government. Their excesses were considered to be a sort of cathartic venting of decades worth of frustrations and hurt under a brutal dictator.

Demolishing and looting the Baghdad National Museum is only proof of the desperate need to take revenge not only from people but also from history. The things that couldn’t be stolen were ruined in spite of the fact that what the ten professional thieves stole was worth millions. After a while, it turned out to be that the thieves demolished the portrait that recorded the Babylonian King the Great Nebuchadnezzar’s triumph over the Jews. He banished 40,000 Jews from Palestine after they tried capturing it and turned them into Babylonian slaves. The thieves eliminated everything that was related to the bleak history of the Jews in Babylon’s exile.

So when you sit around the Seder table, serving your Pesach dinner in ancient Babylonian clay pots looted from the Baghdad Museum, don’t forget to thank the nameless Zionist ninja-thieves.

Happy Passover, folks, and anyone saying “Next year in Al-Quds” gets smacked.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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4 Responses to The Jews looted the Baghdad Museum?

  1. Alan Kellogg says:

    I don’t believe it, you’d have it cataloged and on display by now.

    Not only that, but it would be on permanent loan, with the grateful thanks of the Iraqi people for keeping it safe from the vandals in Al Queda.

  2. Elmira Viking says:

    Yeah, just like the rock carvings in Afghanistan were actually destroyed by the Jews, NOT the Taliban. You heard that theory here first.

  3. The Doctor says:

    We tried to CAPTURE Palestine?


  4. Michael Lonie says:

    I suppose there is a special class in Arab Journalism Schools to teach making up lies.

    Scratch that, making up lies is Arab Journalism.

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