The lie of the Hamas “truce”

The IDF caught some Hamassholes red-handed.

The Israel Defense Forces suspect that a Hamas cell carried out terror attacks in the West Bank city of Hebron over the past several weeks, in contradiction to the Islamist group’s official policy declared after it won the elections calling for calm (tahdia) in the territories.

On Friday evening an explosion in a Hebron apartment wounded three Palestinians, who were taken to a Palestinian hospital in the city.

When IDF troops arrived at the apartment they discovered it was used as an explosives lab and held a large amount of explosives. According to an initial investigation, four pipe bombs were made in the apartment by Hamas men and were used against IDF troops in Hebron over the past few weeks.

There is no “truce.” There are only lies and deception.

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One Response to The lie of the Hamas “truce”

  1. None killed?

    No pizza then.

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