Hamas non-moderation watch

More evidence that Hamas will never moderate (Hebrew link):

Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal confirmed that the Palestinian Authority under Hamas rule has become a hothouse for the growth, development, and encouragement of terrorists.

“Our government is a big tent that provides protection for the forces of Jihad,” he said at a meeting near Damascus.

The intent of Mashaal’s remarks were confirmed by Islamic Jihad spokesman Ali Abu Shahin, who told the Israeli Arab newspaper Kol al-Arab, published in Nazareth, that his organization received inspiration for last week’s suicide bombing in Tel Aviv from the new Hamas government.

“The attack matches the plan of the Hamas government which supports the resistance (armed struggle),” he said.

So how long you think it’s going to take the EU to cave? I can’t tell any more. Every time I think they’re caving, they un-cave. France and Sweden just uninvited or said they wouldn’t talk to Hamas reps. (Japan said recently they won’t fund the Hamas-led PA.) But then they cave again. I suppose it’s wait-and-see time.

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