So this must be fine, then.

A smallish article in JP attracted my wandering attention:

Iranian artillery fired more than 180 shells into northern Iraq, targeting Kurdish rebel bases, the Iraqi government said Sunday. The shells landed near the Iraqi village of Haj Omran, which is about five kilometers (three miles) inside the Iraqi-Iranian border, Iraq’s Ministry of Defense said.

I have searched for other articles or a commentary on this one, but aside of the Kurdish source (also with reference to AP), couldn’t find any. No indignant peacemongers, no governments’ opinions, no NGO’s raising their strong, albeit reedy, voices in protest against the obviously unlawful and hardly friendly act by a sovereign nation toward its neighbor. Aside of Kamal Karkouki, deputy speaker of parliament for the Kurdish regional administration, that is.

The most intriguing question: where are all the human right groups in Iran and why don’t they follow suit of their Israeli and Palestinian colleagues? Hmm…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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7 Responses to So this must be fine, then.

  1. chsw says:

    Where are all of the civil rights groups in Iran? They are underground – either in hiding or dead.


  2. Eric J says:

    Kurds are the new Jews.

  3. Underground or dead – you must be kidding, chsw – we are talking about Iran, which, as they tell us, is a democracy?

  4. Li'l Mamzer says:

    They have no Rachel Corrie to spread a message of peace.

    And speaking of Rachel Corrie, I took the kids to the Save Darfur rally on the Mall yesterday, which didn’t attract a huge crowd, but it seemed that the vast majority were Jews, many in large groups from synagogues. Lots of Hebrew signs and “Never AGain” t-shirts and posters. The only readily identifiable Muslims and/or Arabs I did see were those at the very back at a table with pamphlets called “Rachel Corrie’s Message Of Peace”. And this was meant to address the persecution of Christian African Sudanese at the hands of Muslim Arab Sudanese? The good part was that the cops were making them take their table down because they had no permit.
    There was also a strange woman handing out flyers blaming the problem on US foreign policy, that because the Sudanese government supports the Palestinian cause, we have essentially fabricated a humanitarian crisis for Zionist/Imperial political purposes. Some people have no shame whatsoever.

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    As usual, Meryl, you miss the point. Shelling across a recognized international border is not worth comment, much less a UN session…unless it’s not a recognized border and Jews do it.

  6. Folks, you simply HAVE to start looking at the bylines. Snoopy wrote this one, not me. And may I point out, I never add color to my posts. That’s his schtick.

  7. “As usual, Meryl, you miss the point.”

    Thanks, Alex, for pointing out the… er… point. Meryl does sometimes miss it (the point), true, and as for myself, “missing the point” is my middle name.

    But now, with your kind assistance…

    Yes, you were saying… what, precisely?

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