Monthly Archives: April 2006

But worldwide anti-Semitism is down

Worldwide anti-Semitism continues to peak Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 7 Comments

Once more in the name of spin

The AP spins anti-Israel on a daily basis Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 6 Comments

Very interesting missing article

A disappearing Ha’aretz article Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Easy marks

(Via Backspin) Hamas’ Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar left someone a really large tip in his hotel room in Kuwait… Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar has had $450,000 stolen from his hotel room during his current visit to Kuwait, the Itim … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 5 Comments

News burnout

I am tired of the news Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Site news | 2 Comments

Three cheers for teen labor

Three cheers for cheap teen labor Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Horror, Helplessness and the Holocaust

Dymphna at Gates of Vienna has a moving personal recollection of learning about of the Holocaust, and how it affected her politically and spiritually. For all the (regretably necessary) attention paid to anti-semitism and those who would harm the Jews … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel | 1 Comment

Israel: Making some good moves

Israel’s Foreign Ministry opens an Arabic version of its website Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Israel: Making some good moves

Public notice to my readers

I wouldn’t plagiarize if you paid me Continue reading

Posted in The Catmage Chronicles | 4 Comments

Empty vaults in the West Bank

Remember all that money that’s been promised to the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority by their so-called Arab brothers? Palestinian Authority Finance Minister Omar Abdel Razek said on Tuesday that $120 million promised to the PA by various countries in the Persian … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Any way you play it, I still hate Monopoly

I hate Monopoly Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments

Must-reads on Holocaust remembrance

Must-reads on Holocaust remembrance Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 5 Comments

Lapid’s editorial in JPost

In this editorial, Tommy Lapid hears Europe’s call for appeasement and gives Europe the finger: But we can’t forget. We lost Six Million of our people in the Holocaust. Israel currently has six million Jews living in it. We will … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

We hate you Israel, oh yes we do…

The media blame Israel for Holocaust survivors’ ills Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Mahmoud A. as a stand-up comedian

New pearls of wisdom from Mahmoud the Iranian Gorilla. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Parody, Politics | 2 Comments