Monthly Archives: April 2006

PETA and Crucifixion

New shenanigans by PETA – now it’s Crucifixion! Continue reading

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Hamas admits they lie to the West

Hamas admits that it lies to the West Continue reading

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The Hamas Diet

Looking to lose some weight this summer for Swimsuit Season? Why not try The Hamas Diet? Palestinian prime minister says the PA won’t flinch from cut off of international financial aid, won’t bow to pressure to drop violence and recognize … Continue reading

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Iran’s genocidal ambitions

Iran threatens Israel’s existence — again Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 4 Comments

Stupid, boring magician thinks of newer, dumber, more boring stunt

David Blaine is going to live in an aquarium. Tedium follows Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn | 4 Comments

Ahmadinejad’s sense of humor

Iran’s clampdown on political joke. Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Politics | 2 Comments

Bolton blocks Arab whining

John Bolton shoots down an anti-Israel UNSC statement Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 1 Comment

The lie of the Hamas “truce”

Hamas hasn’t stopped terror attacks, they’re just lying about it Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Once again, there is no defeating Bolton’s mighty Mustache Fu

John Bolton pust up the block against yet another out-of-context slam on Israel in The Picasso Room in Turtle Bay: The UN Security Council failed to agree on a statement Thursday on a recent surge in violence between Israel and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Better relations with Catholics

Polish Catholics apologize for anti-Semitism Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | Comments Off on Better relations with Catholics

The religion of peace oppresses Christians

Muslims attack Christians on Good Friday Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 2 Comments

Okay, that was cool

Voiceover IP is cool Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 3 Comments

Illegal in what universe, Abu?

Abbas calls the aid cutoff “illegal.” Meryl calls Abbas, “imbecile.” Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Misleading headline of the week

Misleading AP headline on an Israel story Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 6 Comments

Loves / doesn’t love, loves / doesn’t, …

Hamas is search for a PC statement that will get them the Euro/US funding back. Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | Comments Off on Loves / doesn’t love, loves / doesn’t, …