



I want to see this film.

There’s a Bat Mitzvah that weekend that I must attend.

Sigh. I can wait until late Saturday. But I won’t be happy about it.

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10 Responses to X3

  1. Ben F says:

    That is one wicked website.

  2. Was X2 better than X1?
    X1 was a disorganized mess.

  3. X2 was excellent. And I liked X-Men, too. It had its flaws, but overall, it brought the characters to life fairly well.

    Mind you, I’m not happy with some of the character changes they made, but that’s what happens when comic books get translated to film. The X-Men movies are the best comic book movies they’ve made, with the exception of Batman Begins, which is THE best comic book movie ever.

  4. Eric J says:

    I’d have to say “The Incredibles” is probably the best SuperHero comic book movie ever made, it’s just that no one had written the comic yet.

    And American Splendor is overall the best comic book movie ever made.

    Have you seen Sky High? Much better than it has any right to be.

  5. I never saw American Splendor. I’ll have to look into it.

    Yes, I rented Sky High a few months ago and got a big kick out of it.

    And yes, The Incredibles is the best animated comic book movie ever made, but as you point out, there was no comic book behind it. Perhaps that’s part of why we love it so much — we can’t get annoyed at the way they changed our favorite scenes and characters.

    As far as live-action goes, Batman Begins is number one on my list, followed by X2, X1, Fantastic Four, Spider-man, and the Hulk. Spider-man 2 was rather sucky.

    Oh. Put the Christopher Reeve Superman and Superman 2 before Spider-man. Maybe right after X-men.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Elevated temp Jewish superhero vs. evil supervillian Auschwitz survivor…what could be bad?

  7. My favorite superhero movie is (still) Darkman starring Liam Neeson and Larry Drake (and directed by Sam Raimi.)

    Guess where I watched Spiderman and Xmen? At the Red Cross doing apheresis. I loved Spiderman and was disappointed with Spiderman 2 (though most critics seemed to prefer the sequel.) But X-Men was just too jumbled to like. (The best part of X-men was giving us the sense that Prof X’s school doesn’t just teach the title characters but a lot of mutants. Hogwarts for mutants.)

    Maybe one day I’ll rent X-2.

  8. The Doctor says:

    My favorite X-1 quote:

    “Right. Hit me with a lightning bolt inside a giant copper statue. I thought you people lived in a school.”

  9. Ben F says:

    Great line, but it doesn’t explain why Storm didn’t suck Magneto out and away with a tornado (while she and her fellow X-Men [sic] were helpfully tied down), like the ones she deployed against the fighter planes in X-Men United. Instead, Storm wound up lifting Logan gently with an updraft.

  10. The Doctor says:

    She probably spent too much time in study hall and didn’t have the concept…

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