Life, memory sticks, and opting out

It must be hormones. I was in the doldrums on Sunday, rather blah yesterday, and today, on the way home from teaching Hebrew school, had the opposite feeling and wound up running errands that I’d been putting off.

My 128 mb memory stick got corrupted months ago by virtue of my having lost it. It was in a bag in my car, and by the time I rediscovered it, it was useless and unreadable. I’ve been trying to fly without a net and just use the 64 mb stick, but it’s very frustrating running out of space when I take pictures (I take a lot of pictures for synagogue-related events, particularly for the school). So I finally bought a new one. It’s cheaper than buying a camera. Hell, it’s cheaper than buying the first 128 mb stick. For that matter, it’s cheaper than the 64 mb stick cost. Of course, that’s because memory is 1 gig and up these days, but my old Sony DSC P71 can’t take more than a 128 mb stick, and frankly, I’ve yet to run out of space between the two. Okay, Fourth of July was pushing it, but how many pictures of fireworks are really all that good, anyway? Waste of effort. Far more fun to make little movies of them to amuse the kids with.

While I was at Staples, I picked up a tri-fold cardboard display for the synagogue. We’re having an open house for our religious school this Sunday, and I offered to make a display of pictures I’ve taken over the past four years during school events. So I have a nifty black tri-fold — I paid a few extra bucks for it — and got home only to realize that nifty black tri-fold is going to be nifty black tri-fold covered with orange and white cat hair if I put it together here. I’m going over to Sarah’s on Saturday, though, and she suggested I put it together there. All I’ll have to put up with is, uh, her four kids. But at least they don’t shed.

So on the way home, I was feeling rather up. In fact, I couldn’t get over the thought that something good was going to happen. I don’t know what or why, but at least it was nice to feel happy for a change. And who knows, maybe something good is going on that I just haven’t discovered yet.

Closed out my account for The Jewish View. Found out that I have an opt-out hosting service. I managed to bargain them down to charging me for a quarter instead of the entire year. Yes, their terms of service state that if you don’t cancel your account, um, 14 days before its renewal, you have to pay for another year even if you’re closing down your site. I can’t figure out if they were nice to me because I didn’t scream and yell, and was reasonable about trying to bargain with them, or if this is a racket they run where they get a quarter’s hosting fee out of you because they know you’d rather not go through the rigamarole and risk your credit rating. I think I’m going to have to post at least once more and make you guys read there, because dammit, I just paid $28.50 for the next three months, and I want to get some use out of it!

Oh, and when I get the time to edit the pictures, I have a new bird story to tell. It isn’t the Woodpecker Wars, but it is a story of life, love, and extremely annoying noises from Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal.

Go back to St. Louis, ya bums.

Right. Now I’m going to zip through my soap and get to bed. And begin sitting shiva for the Gilmore Girls, because that is one dead show walking. Wow, last night’s show sucked.


Oh, well. AMC is getting great again. And there’s a new episode of Lost tomorrow night. Maybe Daniel Dae Kim will feel the urge to walk around half-naked again.

One can only hope.

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