What’s Hebrew for Non-Starter?

Olmert’s final status plan has been leaked to the press. It calls for a divided Jerusalem, with Israel controlling the Old City.

Personally, I think he just wants to get his first no-confidence vote out of the way.

H.T. Roger Simon


Wretchard has a deeper and broader analysis.

About Eric J

google talk: eakawie
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7 Responses to What’s Hebrew for Non-Starter?

  1. chsw says:

    I am continually surprised that there has been no coup d’etat in Israel over the past few years. Foreign enemies are circling. The economy is re-structuring (for the better, but it is at a vulnerable point). The Italian-style government (representation by ideologies) doesn’t work all that well, and its partners that bicker constantly until bought off with the taxpayers’ shekels. In Latin America, Africa, Turkey or France, a coup and a declaration of a new order would be expected. However, in Israel, there is just a shrug. For now.


  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Sounds like Kadima is taking advice on what to propose from the ghost of Yasir Arafat. I would exprct that the next step would be to put Abbas in charge of the Israeli “negotaiting” team.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Ask, Meryl, and you shall know:

    The Hebrew for “non-starter” is “tokhnit avur” or “ra’ayon avur.” Sorry, but I don’t have the ability (or knowledge) to write Hebrew here.

  4. Alex, I didn’t ask. You have to start looking at the bylines. I have co-bloggers now, remember?

    It was Eric who asked.

  5. Pingback: Inoperable Terran » Oy vey

  6. Alex Bensky says:

    It’s your blog, Meryl, and I hold you responsible for what’s on it. See…you try to help some bloggers and all you get is corn.

  7. I’m just trying to get you to be polite to the post’s authors. Credit where it’s due, and all that.

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