Iran’s Dear George letter

The WSJ has a PDF of what appears to be a fax version of the Iranian president’s letter to George W. Bush. (Via Wonkette, of all places.) The quality isn’t very good. I skimmed it briefly.

The letter reads like he’s gone down the talking points list of what Bush and America have done wrong. It bashes Israel, and in one particular passage, mentions Christianity, Islam, and “the followers of Moses” — as if he can’t even use the word “Jews” without adding an epithet (which he probably can’t, thinking about it).

I’ll have a more lengthy post on it later, but my initial thoughts are that W. really isn’t interested in converting to Islam, nor is he interested in hearing his administration called “repressive and cruel.” It’s a classic case of transference; the sentence reads: “History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive.” (Look in the mirror, Gorilla Boy.)

Apparently, his idol the Ayatollah did the same thing years ago by sending a letter to Moscow warning the Soviets that their empire was going to crumble, and that only Islam would save them. Since the empire crumbled, I’m guessing they think that if they try again, the same thing will happen. He’s apparently sending letters out to other world leaders. I’m thinking Israel will not be on the recipient list.

In any case, there’s nothing really new in the document, just more of the same.

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4 Responses to Iran’s Dear George letter

  1. Eric J says:

    I think he will send a letter to Israel, although it may go to the Chief Rabbi or some such, rather than a political leader.

    This letter will mean that Iran’s first atomic bomb is built and ready for deployment.

    Israel will be given the opportunity to convert to Islam en masse. When this is rejected, the Representative of the Hidden Imam (Wasn’t that Captain Sisco?) will have full justification to put the nation to the sword.

  2. chsw says:

    Eric J., your interpretation of the letter is almost identical to that of Robert Spencer ( He sees the letter as a trditional offer of Islam to a targeted, non-Islamic country. Such letters usually precede an attack by a Muslim country against a non-Muslim country. In this case, the US.

    I think that letters to Israel were sent years ago.


  3. Michael Lonie says:

    Perhaps we should send letters to Ahmedinejad, pointing out to him that the terrorism he advocates and that Iran practices is the work of Satan, that he and the Mullahs are Pharaohs in Teheran, and that if he does not want to go to Hell he must immediately renounce terrorism and antisemitism and repent his cooperation in the hijacking of Islam by Satan-worshippers.

    It won’t so anything but it might amuse us for a brief time.

    Oh yes, remind him that one of those retaliatory nukes is aimed at him and his family, and another at that well in Qom where the 12th Imam is hiding. If I was the Imam I’d be hiding too, to avoid nutjobs like Ahmedinejad.

  4. Joel says:

    One of the dumbest things that President Reagan ever did was to work to end the Iran-Iraq war.

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