Did you read the post I wrote yesterday, about Iran’s president not mentioning Jews when he mentioned the world’s three monotheistic religions, instead, calling them followers of “the teaching of Moses”? I asked what he meant by that.
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Iran’s president on Thursday intensified his attacks against Israel, calling it a “regime based on evil,” but also said he was ready to negotiate with the United States and its allies over his country’s nuclear program.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has previously said Israel should be wiped off the map, also told a cheering crowd of students in Indonesia’s capital that the Jewish state “cannot continue and one day will vanish.”
But it isn’t anti-Semitism. It’s anti-Zionism. Right?
In the early 1930s, Hitler made speech after speech demonizing the Jews. There are people alive today who were alive then. They say they are feeling the breeze of 1938 blowing all over again.
“regime based on evilâ€, is it now?
I am afraid that Mahmoud A. is so far familiar only with our good side…
Well we have to admit that he must know evil when he sees it. He sees it in the mirror every morning when he checks to see that the stubble is the right length.
The Iranians had better get rid of the Satan worshippers ruling them before they lead Iran straight into a nuclear Hell.