Stormy weather

There are tornado warnings up the wazoo here in central Virginia. I just heard some thunder rumbles, finally, and have been watching ABC track the storm street by street. It is currently over Heidi’s area, and heading north towards Richmond.

Then again, when I called Sarah and told her she was having heavy rain, she said, “No we’re not.” So perhaps the weather guy isn’t as accurate as he would like to think he is.

But they’re scaring the crap out of their viewing area, and there was a possible tornadoe at Kents Corner, which we’re pretty sure is where Superman was hiding out those six years he disappeared.

It’s moving northeast. Odds are high that it will miss the Richmond metro area. Whoops, more thunder. And off I go.

Supposedly, the storm is due here in 15 minutes. We shall see if it shows.

Update, 50 minutes later: Still waiting for the storm, and no, it didn’t call to say it was going to be late.

Actually, I’m watching the radar. It’s all heading northeast, so it’s going to miss me. Part of me is slightly disappointed, but the rest of me is quite happy not to see tornado-force winds and four inches of rain per hour.

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One Response to Stormy weather

  1. Sarah G. says:

    Wait, the wind is blowing and it moved a leaf four feet across the yard.

    Ooo, scary.

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