A new hoax out of Iran

File this one under “What. A. Load. Of. Crap.”

Thirty five Jews volunteered to carry out suicide attacks against Israel in the service of an Islamic terrorist organization, claimed the head of an Iranian terrorist organization, “The Committee for the Commemoration of the Martyrs of the Global Islamic Campaign.”

Members of the organization said that they planned to send the terrorists to Israel via Britain.

The Mahar news agency reported that the terror chief, Faruz Rajai-Far, told a Teheran conference that the organization’s website registered 55,000 volunteers from all over the world to carry out suicide bombings. The volunteers, he claimed, included 35 Jews who don’t live in Iran, as well as a number of Christians and other citizens. At the same time, the organization’s website has been taken down, and cannot be viewed.

I fully believe that those 35 people say they’re Jewish. But then, so do the haters on any Israel thread on the internet. I learned a long, long time ago to disbelieve the ones who say they’re Jewish, then launch into the most vitriolic anti-Jewish hate speech in the thread.

Now, I know that some of my commenters are going to say that they wouldn’t be surprised if some really are Jewish, and will supply the writings of the likes of Tony Judt to bolster their arguments. But at least Judt has never said he would strap on a bomb belt and murder innocents.

This story is bullshit. Propaganda. Lies.

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9 Responses to A new hoax out of Iran

  1. Eric J says:

    Maybe they live in another Islamic country and want the free trip to Britain so they can try to claim asylum.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Yeah, I got a Jew for ya, (gesturing) right here.

  3. AbbaGav says:

    I also question the authenticity of 55,000 suicide volunteers. The question is, out of those 55,000 (or the 35 if you prefer): which ones are willing to go first? I think the number drops a bit then.

    From other sources, I get the impression most “average Iranians on the street” are not so fanatically anti-Israel (not pro-Israel, but there is a lot of room between pro-Israel and volunteering for suicide missions). If we check the Iranian census data, will we find there are exactly 55,000 mullahs (35 of whom are secretly Jewish)?

  4. Let’s face it, I question the authenticity of every piece of news out of Iran, but then, I’m a cynic.

  5. Li'l Mamzer says:

    By the way, did anyone notice Noam Chomsky making common cause with Hezbollah the other day in Lebanon?

    Can someone please tell me why that isn’t treason?


  6. Sabba Hillel says:

    Treason is only when someone betrays his country and abandons his loyalty. Chomsky is loyal to the terrorists who want to kill all the Jews (including him). Thus, he is continuing to be loyal to his masters and their beliefs. He never was loyal to the United States not to the Jewish people, thus he could not abandon that loyalty.


    Sabba Hillel

  7. “Now, I know that some of my commenters are going to say…”

    Yes, they are. It gives a lot of room for a good hearty laugh, like here.

  8. Cynic says:

    Here’s South Africa’s anti-Jewish Jew entry.

    The Guardian published another anti-Israel piece by South African Intelligence Minister and anti-Israel campaigner Ronnie Kasrils in which he and Victoria Brittain claim:

    “Never in the long struggle for freedom in apartheid South Africa was there a situation as dramatic as in Palestine today.”

    While South Africa’s Ambassador to Israel is cited:
    Israel and Apartheid

    Too many words have been reduced to catch phrases and sound bites that cheapen their actual meaning and few words have been more abused than apartheid.
    South Africa’s ambassador to Israel, Major General Fumanekile (Fumie) Gqiba, seems to concur. Ambassador Gqiba, a former commander in the armed wing of the ANC liberation movement recently told a South African paper, “the term ‘apartheid’ is uniquely South African and devalues the struggle of the black population against one of the worst forms of oppression known to man.”

    Note the difference between the Jew hater and one who truly suffered.

  9. Joel says:

    I love the way the Persians say they will
    send Muslims into Israel via Britian – as if Israel won’t be aware of it. This story does not pas the “smell” test.

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