The civil war: Not nearly as much fun as the “resistance”

Salon has a piece by a journalist who details the difference between covering “resistance” and civil war:

Having said that, a lot of the goodwill toward the foreign journo dries up when it’s Arabs fighting each other. Suddenly, you’re not documenting a noble struggle against occupation, you’re just some foreigner. And if you’re in a hospital full of pissed-off Military Intelligence officials tending to their wounded, it’s a disaster. As I tried to take pictures, I was suddenly surrounded by a mob of armed men grabbing at my cameras. Luckily, the son of a wounded official jumped into the fray and dragged me to a side room. Once he checked my digital images, he informed the angry crowd I had done nothing wrong and I was free to take pictures outside the hospital.

One frame later, I was chased off the hospital grounds by a half-dozen armed, screaming men. A local photographer — one smart enough to not even take his cameras out of his car — yanked me to safety.

“You know they’d kill me for saying this, but I miss the Israelis,” one droll local journalist told me after we watched the men beat another photographer and destroy his gear. “Sure they occupied us, but there were fucking rules, man. ‘Go here and we’ll shoot you. Stand there and you’re cool.’ We could work. We could live. Now we have this shit.”

It’s not worth sitting through the annoying ad to read the whole thing. The rest of the article is full of poor, poor, pitiful pal propaganda, all about how noble Hamas is for keeping its word on the “truce,” and how the world is screwing the terrorist organization by cutting off funds to the PA. Funny, for a broke organization, they managed to find funding to arm, clothe, and train 3,000 new militia men. The AK-47 is going for $800 a pop now. Anyone want to do the math on how much it cost to arm 3,000 terrorists with AK-47s?

Shyeah. Broke. That’s why their leaders get caught smuggling in close to a million dollars.

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One Response to The civil war: Not nearly as much fun as the “resistance”

  1. chsw says:

    The foreign journalists miss the Israelis? Boo-hoo. Hope that those reporters and editors put more thought into their dispatches now.

    AFAIR, there was a riot in Port Suez where the residents screamed that life was better under the Israelis than under the Egyptians.


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