Monthly Archives: May 2006

Hezbullah war crimes in Lebanon

Hezbullah commits war crimes Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 6 Comments

Anti-Semitism: Alive and well in Europe

Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

Pigs flying story of the day

Knock me over with a feather. No, knock me over with a nano. The AP is running a story about the IDF successfully preventing a suicide bombing — and actually calling it a suicide attack. JERUSALEM May 29, 2006 (AP)— … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | 1 Comment

Bombing Hezbullah: Updated

The attack on Hezbullah positions, updated Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Bombing Hezbullah: Updated

The BTU as a measure of anti-Semitism

BTU being “British Teachers Unions.” Judith of Adloyada has an in-depth look at the first vote against academic freedom in the current campaign to demonize all things Israeli (but no, not Jewish, never Jewish, they’re not anti-Semites — the fact … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | Comments Off on The BTU as a measure of anti-Semitism

That blissful detachment

It is very instructive to browse from time to time through the Guardian Israeli shelf at the There is really no quiet moment on that shelf, and it keeps growing at a speed that would be envied by many … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Sunday night carnivals and other linkage

Sunday night linkage Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests, Podcasts | 2 Comments

IFAQs about cats

Questions about cats you never thought to ask Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Humor | 6 Comments

Northern Israel attacks: Escalating

The situation in northern Israel is escalating Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

An interesting read

An article on the 1982 air battle over the Bekaa Valley Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Rocket attacks from Lebanon

Terrorists in Lebanon fire on Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on Rocket attacks from Lebanon

Smarter than you

Jews are smarter than anyone else — and this study proves it Continue reading

Posted in Jew Cooties, Religion | 18 Comments

If it’s Friday, this must be the ISM

The ISM weekly “nonviolent” protest against the security fence turns violent every week Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

One of the righteous

The USPS honors a righteous man who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 2 Comments

PIJ leader in Lebanon goes boom

The Mossad gets one in Lebanon Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments