Monthly Archives: May 2006

Wow – what a job!

I have finally understood what I would like to do with the rest of my life. It is so simple – like a 1000 watt bulb going off in your head! And it happened reading this editorial in NYT. Wow, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media | 9 Comments

Preparing for X3

X-men movie, or a bat mitzvah? Darn it, what a choice! Continue reading

Posted in Life, Movies | 9 Comments

The civil war: Not nearly as much fun as the “resistance”

A closer (albeit biased) look at the palestinian civil war Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment

The AP flacks for Saudi Arabia

The AP turns PR flack for Saudi Arabia Continue reading

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The palestinian dream

Dreaming of “palestine” Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Taking the Fun out of Funerals

While their “leaders” powwow in reinforced bunkers far from the fighting, it looks like the rank-and-file of Hamas and Fateh are still doing their usual negotiating in the streets of Gaza with bullets and roadside bombs: A member of the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 4 Comments

Ismail Haniyeh, conspiracy theorist wacko

Hamas talks about international conspiracies against them, just like in their charter! Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 3 Comments

The UN couldn’t stop a fight in kindergarten

The UN is finally threatening Darfur. If Darfur doesn’t stop interfering with the UN auditors who are there to see what happened to all the money spent on the Darfur peacekeeping force (don’t laugh, there is one), the UN is … Continue reading

Posted in World | 3 Comments

The definition of chutzpah

The Mexican presidente: Hypocrite extraordinaire Continue reading

Posted in Politics, World | 1 Comment

Do not disturb: Lost finale in progress

Do not disturb: Lost finale in progress Continue reading

Posted in Television | 2 Comments

“Curbing” aggression between Fateh and Hamas

Fateh and Hamas leaders claim to have settled their differences and agree to “curb” back on the civil war stuff. Meanwhile, just got a Muppet News Flash: Nabil Hodhod just got taken out by a car bomb in Gaza City. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 5 Comments

palestinian civil war watch: Miss Manners requested

The pals are revolting, again Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Peace in installments or you just wait…

The press made a big deal out of the latest utterance of the Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Haaretz put up a misleading headline: Hamas PM Haniyeh: Retreat to 1967 borders will bring peace The small letters of the article … Continue reading

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Oprah and the Holocaust

Oprah Winfrey runs two special shows on the Holocaust Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Television | 2 Comments

Iran’s proxy warriors threaten Israel

Hezbullah threatens all of northern Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment