And the chutzpah award goes to:

Russia, for having the nerve to tell Israel to avoid harming civilians during Operation Summer Rain.

Moscow – Russia called on Israel on Thursday to avoid harming Palestinian civilians in any offensive in Gaza and urged militants to free an Israeli soldier, whose capture helped spark the current crisis.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mikhail Kamynin also criticised Israel for sending warplanes on Wednesday to buzz one of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad palaces, saying it was “absolutely unacceptable” to breach the border or air space of any country.

“There is no doubt about the right and responsibility of the Israeli government to defend the lives and security of its citizens,” Kamynin said in a statement posted on the ministry Web site. “But it cannot be done at the cost of many lives and many peaceful Palestinians (and) heavy military strikes with grave consequences for the civilian population,” he added.

One word for you, Kamynin: Chechnya.

When the Russians attacked the Chechen capital of Grozny during the first weeks of January 1995, about 25,000 civilians died under a week-long air-raid and artillery fire in the sealed-off city. The Russians are reported to have lost some thousands of soldiers during their assault.

Goddamned hypocritical sons of bitches. They are part of the reason that Israel is in this situation to begin with. By funding Syria, Egypt, the PLO, and other Russian client-states during the sixties, Russia can lay claim to have fathered this situation with Hamas.

Don’t think that condemning Israel is going to stop the Jihadis from executing more Russians. They’ve got your number, Chechnya-boy.

Effing hypocrites. Russia, the nation that would not let its Jews practice Judaism. Russia, the nation from which nearly all of my grandparents fled, so that their children and grandchildren could lead safe, happy, and Jewish lives in America. Russia, the nation that bombed Chechnya indiscriminately, murdering thousands of civilians while chasing after the Islamist separatists.

Shut up, Russia, you effing hypocrites. Because Israel always tries to minimize harm to civilians, which is more than we can say for the idiots who gassed their own citizens in a hostage situation and then refused to tell doctors what kind of gas was used to help save lives after the crisis was over.

I think I’m going to be using this phrase a lot today: STFU.

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One Response to And the chutzpah award goes to:

  1. Joel says:

    Also Putin has declared that Russia will seek to “kill” (yes kill, not “bring to justice”) the people who murdered the Russian diplomats in Iraq.

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