Monthly Archives: June 2006

As close as I get to it

Unfortunately, the Tony Awards are as close as I get to Broadway these days. Sigh. I want to see plays again. All of them. Even the dogs. The revivals of Sweeney Todd and Threepenny Opera look phenomenal.

Posted in Music, Pop Culture | 7 Comments

If I were the dictator of the world…

Harry Connick, Jr. would never again be allowed to sing. Not. Ever. God, I can’t stand that man. And come to think of it, James Earl Jones won’t be allowed to make any more commercials. I’m tired of that man. … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 7 Comments

Sunday links

Sunday night links Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 1 Comment

Another one out of the closet

Memo to the Chief Archivist: Oren, this situation is intolerable. The Hasbara department cannot carry out its duties when one tentacle does not know what the other is doing. Look what our counterparts of IRIB have discovered, and we were … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Israel, Parody | 7 Comments

Ceasefire that never was

BBC (the new unbiased one) put up a question to the readers: The art of asking questions has not escaped BBC’s attention. To start with the so called “ceasefire” – which was one big lie to start with. Hamas never … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | Comments Off on Ceasefire that never was

The Palestinian equivalent of the U.S.S. Maine?

Condemnations from all around the world are pouring in over the deaths of seven Palestinians on a Gaza beach from… from… What did cause that explosion which led to their deaths, anyway? Let’s take a break from the Cycle Of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

If I were the dictator of the world…

It would be illegal for a man to scratch, touch, or otherwise adjust his crotch in public. There might be an exception for athletes who are adjusting their cups, but television network cameramen and producers would be thrown in jail … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 9 Comments

Hamas calls off pretend truce

Hamas calls off the pretend truce Continue reading

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The problem with passing by skunk

is that you have to roll down the windows of your car to air out your car once you’re out of the range of the skunk. You know, if there’s a worse odor than skunk, I do not want to … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 6 Comments

If I were the dictator of the world…

No store in America would ever have the word “shop” spelled with an extra “pe” in its name.

Posted in Evil Meryl | Comments Off on If I were the dictator of the world…

Prediction: Lots of dead Hamas members

Hamas is abandoning the hudna (a period of rearming and recruitment with the full intention of fighting again and not a truce or ceasefire with the emphasis on negotiations and peacemaking as the MSM often claims): “The earthquake in the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 8 Comments

Zarqawi quote contest

Zarqawi quote contest Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 19 Comments

Strict constructionism

Constructionalism and the Constitution Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 7 Comments

The “health crisis” big lie begins

The health crisis stories begin Continue reading

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An analyst on Zarqawi’s death

Analysis on the death of Zarqawi that differs from what you read in the MSM Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | Comments Off on An analyst on Zarqawi’s death