Monthly Archives: June 2006

Katsav: We didn’t get squat for concessions

Moshe Katsav blasts the unilateral withdrawal–but not for what you think Continue reading

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Shouting or talking?

Actually, the article by Simon Tisdall is titled Shouting not talking. Its general drift is that talking is better than shouting. Unfortunately, while the idea itself is excellent, the article is less so. The article, with its unforgettable imagery (that … Continue reading

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Gaza updates: News and snarks

There hasn’t been much news since the tanks rolled in. As usual, the terrorists won’t put up much of a fight when it comes to having to fight, you know, actual soldiers—from the front, not the rear (which is how … Continue reading

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Need a laugh?

Funny and strange Japanese video Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 2 Comments

Going into Gaza

Israel’s Gaza operation begins Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 6 Comments

Hamas to media: What recognition of the Zionist Entity?

Hamas puts the lie to the two-state agreement Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 6 Comments

And the Biased Headline Award of the day goes to:

AFP: Biased headline of the day award winner Continue reading

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The world simply doesn’t get Israel

The world’s blindness when it comes to Israel is appalling. Continue reading

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Bon Appetit, Mr. Ghalban!

This video gives another glimpse into the state of mind of the Hamas leaders. Apparently, after repeating the slogans several thousands times, the sloganeer himself gets hypnotized by the sound of his voice and starts to believe his own drivel. … Continue reading

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Gathering for battle

The IDF gathers for battle Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Go into Gaza

More rockets in Sderot Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | 26 Comments

Not liking bacteria, good or bad

One infection ends, another begins Continue reading

Posted in Life | 9 Comments

The hypocrisy of Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan gets the vapors Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 6 Comments

Sunday night carnivals on Monday

Sunday night carnivals on Monday Continue reading

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The ransom note is sent

The terrorists issue their ransom demands Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments