Pigeons coming home to roost dept.

What happens when you finance, teach, encourage, and otherwise promote suicide bombing?

Your enemy decides that your people are fair game for suicide bomb attacks.

A suicide car bomb tore through buses carrying Iranian pilgrims Thursday near a Shiite shrine in the holy Iraqi city of Kufa, killing at least 10 people and wounding 40, authorities said.

[…] Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hamid Reza Asefi, called the bombing “barbaric terrorist act” and singled the Americans out for blame.

“The wrong approach of occupying Americans and their failure to be accountable in Iraq has spread violence and terrorism in this country. Terrorists, relying on America’s wrong approach, continue their crimes,” state-run television quoted Asefi as saying.

Perhaps if Iran hadn’t spent the last several decades teaching terrorists that it was a good thing to send suicide bombers against those they disagreed with, hated, or simply didn’t like, those Iranian pilgrims would be alive today.

The legacy of Arafat, combined with the willing aid of the Mullahs of Tehran, is what caused those deaths today. The fatwas issuing from mosques that say suicide bombing is legal is what caused those deaths today. Iran is complicit in its own people’s deaths. But of course, they will never step up and admit it was their policies that killed those pilgrims.

The pigeons have come home to roost, and that isn’t birdshit they’re dropping.

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One Response to Pigeons coming home to roost dept.

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    The Mullahs are even more direectly complicit than you make them out to be. Iran has been pouring men, money, and munitions into Southern Iraq to support terrorist operations there. Iran has also been supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq (and elsewhere), who are probably responsible for this attack, as they are for so many others. If the Mullahs and Gorilla Boy want to see the perps’ accomplices, all they have to do is look in the mirror. They know it full well. I wonder that they can stand to do so.

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