Supporting Israel

Jewsy Couture, a Cafe Press shop has taken Hazak v’amatz and put it on a t-shirt and other things. I received this email:

We’ve added some special merchandise in support of Israel and from now until August 7th, we would like to donate all profits from these particular goods to the Israeli Red Cross. We have a t-shirt, a sweatshirt, a hoodie, button packs, and magnet packs at reduced prices to encourage everyone to show their solidarity with Israel during this difficult time. Please help us spread the word.

I also happen to know they’re both job-hunting at the moment, so this is a pretty big gesture when they could use the money themselves. Check it out.

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4 Responses to Supporting Israel

  1. Andy says:

    You might want to point out to them that folks might be less skeptical if they were donating to, say, Magen David Adom. I’ll admit to skepticism myself, not knowing them.

  2. Well, I know them. They’re both between jobs at the moment. They asked me about purchasing an ad on my site for their Cafe Press shop a while ago. I don’t have ads yet, and so—this post.

  3. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Moses: Israel The Strong. Israel The Courageous. (Israel’s counter-resistance to Islamo-fascism)

  4. Meredith says:

    Sorry for any confusion. We ARE planning to give the money to Magen David Adom but I thought some folks might not be familiar with the title so I used “Israeli Red Cross” (Magen David Adom is a member of the International Red Cross…). Please rest assured that the money will go to Magen David. Again, I apologize for the confusion. If you have any further questions or concerns (or suggestions!!) I’d be happy to hear them. You can contact me at msh49 AT cornell dot edu. Thanks!

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