Blogging will be light today

I’m not coming back online.

Woke up this morning with numbness in my left arm again.

Rest and relaxation is the order for today. I’m going to the movies, and I’ll be off to Heidi’s this afternoon.

Turning off the TV as soon as Gillerman stops speaking.

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9 Responses to Blogging will be light today

  1. Anonymous says:

    May God bless you! Take care ! Shalom.

  2. seawitch says:

    Take care of yourself. Shalom!

  3. Hugh says:

    Get better soon. I see that you still can’t resist Gillerman. :)

  4. corwin says:

    You’re probably having an impingemnt/overuse syndrome.The best known is carpal tunnel,targeting the median nerve of your arm/hand.The distribution of numbness is your first three fingers and part of your ring finger.The impingement may be at your wrist,at the base of your neck,or points in between.It doesn’t sound like it’s your neck,since it’s not bi lateral.Things you can do without seeing a dr:get a cock-up splint at the drug store to keep your hand extended at night;try Alleve i-2 pills twice/day,with food.Also,you may be slleping with too many pillows.try to use only one.If it doesn’t remit,you may need to have a mixture of anesthetic,corticosteroid and bicarbonte placed in your wrist/carpal tunnel area.It is not a painful proceedure,and is ccost effective.By that I mean,it should cost about 100 bucks and will probably fix the problem .Don’t get an EMG,MRI prior to having this done.They cos about $1,000 and tell what we(drs.) already know in this type of problem.I hope you find this helpful.
    Caveat:please be certain you have no naproxyn/alleve allergies aand don’t have ulcer like symptoms.

  5. wretchard says:

    If there’s a possibility it is carpal tunnel syndrome consider getting yourself a trackball. It worked for me.

  6. Corwin,

    I’m right-handed.

    My left side keeps getting numb.

    Already got an MRI in the hospital last week. And an EKG, and a carotid ultrasound, and every other major test on my heart and brain.

    The good news is they didn’t find any cause. The bad news is they didn’t find any cause.

    Anyway. I’m better tonight, but not yet best.

  7. Michael Lonie says:

    There is nothing but your own pleasure in the task that requires you to blog. If it is causing you problems remember that you don’t owe any of us the free ice cream.

    If you want to continue blogging you might take a rest from current affairs. Have Lair pick up that side of it if you still want it covered. Do some more catblogging. You might consider writing about what you teach the kids at religious school, if that is not too close to what gives you anxiety attacks. Also if it is not too close to what gives you trouble you might consider writing more about Iseema bin Laden. Maybe the humor would help. And you need not try matching Glenn Reynolds in numbers of posts.

    Health, and good luck with the job hunting.

  8. chsw says:

    Take good care of yourself and have a thorough recovery.


  9. corwin says:

    Your non dominant hand can develop carpal tunnel syndrome.And remember,it’s really a subset of a median nerve neuropathy.Sleeping on your arm can cause an impingement.I’ve had patients who flex their arm enough during the night to cause an impingement.Sometimes making a ‘pillow splint’ by removing the stiching from the closed end of a pillowcase and slleping with your arm kept extended is helpful.I am happy you’ve had a negative MRI though.That rules out demyelinating problems.Good luck.

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