Monthly Archives: July 2006

And now everything is illuminated!

After posting the story about Zhirinovsky‘s visit to Israel, I have forgotten about it quite quickly, assuming that we’ll see the next chapter of the saga in a year or two. However, the chief Russian anti-Semite with a Jewish father … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on And now everything is illuminated!

Hooked on the Geico cavemen

Geico cavemen: Funny Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Television | 9 Comments

Shroedinger’s Martyr

Ha’aretz says Zakaria Zubeidi escaped the IDF when they surrounded his tent. Jerusalem Post says Al-Arabiyya Television has reported him as killed. So, like, does he get 36 virgins in Limbo?

Posted in Terrorism | 6 Comments

The Gaza war is on

Gaza: The war is on, officially Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | 6 Comments

Cut expenses, NJ. Don’t raise taxes.

The NJ state shutdown Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 4 Comments

The UN Human Wrongs Council, cont’d.

Israel Derangement Syndrome at the UN Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | 2 Comments

Pigeons coming home to roost dept.

The Iranian policy of sponsoring terrorism causes the death of Iranians by terror. Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 1 Comment

Israel is gunning for the ISM

The Israeli authorities are ready for the ISM “Summer of Peace[creeps]” with tougher enforcement and zero tolerance. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

And on the other hand…

It is highly symbolic that, unlike the moronic anti-Israeli parrot of the previous post, an Arab journalist has the integrity and the courage to be truthful. In his weekly column, veteran journalist Abed al-Rahman Rashad, CEO of the Arab news … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | Comments Off on And on the other hand…

Blooper of the week award

Goes to no other than Jonathan Steele for the following passage from the article Europe’s response to the siege of Gaza is shameful: Finally, Israel must renounce violence, in particular the assassinations of Palestinian leaders. The number of civilians killed … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 1 Comment

The treatment of gays in Israel

Degrees of intolerance: The Muslim attitude towards gays Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 38 Comments

Mini-Darwin nominees

Stupid practical joke, even stupider people fall for it Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 2 Comments

This is a Zionist blog: End of discussion

This is a Zionist blog. Go bash Israel somewhere else. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Site news | 77 Comments

Unbelievable EU spokesperson quote of the month

The Eu and its double standard for Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time | 1 Comment

Report: The Dorktator is sweating bullets

A report says that Baby Assad told Hamas to release Shalit Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment