Monthly Archives: July 2006

I want this t-shirt

From Ynet: Benjamin Harpez, a Tel Aviv resident and special education teacher, arrived at the spot wearing a white shirt with a picture of Nasrallah printed on both sides and the lettering “Y’alla, f*** Nasrallah!” and “Enough. Sorry Israel.” TOTALLY … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

Disappearing posts

Why, yes, there was a very crabby post up earlier today, and it has now disappeared. Evil Meryl posted it, and, well, it wasn’t very interesting, so it’s gone. This one won’t disappear. However, I have a new thing. You … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 7 Comments

Another Way to Help

Elie Deutsch is an American-born IDF soldier, and a talented musician. He’s currently posted to the Northern border with Lebanon. He and his unit have recorded some songs, which are being sold as MP3s, with proceeds going to a number … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Music | 2 Comments

Chazak v’amatz

The J-Blogosphere has a new insignia to pass around:         Be strong and be brave.   With great big thanks to Sarah. Take it and pass it around. You can spell it “Hazak v’amatz” if you like. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 11 Comments

A test for you

Who wrote this hawkish editorial? Continue reading

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Thursday war briefs

Al Qaeda is officially weighing in, and they say: Kill all the Jews. And oh, yeah—the Christians, too. CAIRO, Egypt Jul 27, 2006 (AP)— Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader issued a worldwide call in a new videotape released Thursday for Muslims … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

CNN gets beat up by a Jew

A wily Jew takes advantage of the MSM Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 4 Comments

A message of hope: Richmond Jews for Israel

We do things a little differently here in Richmond. Not for us the noisy rallies, the crowds of people, the signs in the big public square. On Monday night, we gathered at the Richmond Jewish Community Federation’s Israel Solidarity Rally … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion | 1 Comment

Some thank-you notes

Thanks for the donations! Continue reading

Posted in Life, Site news | 1 Comment

Beirut: The New Jenin

Vital Perspective has an important and surprisingly honest report from Anderson Cooper, along with a map showing the Vast Areas of Beirut That Have Been Turned to Rubble. (Hint: The damaged areas are in gray. Look in the lower left-hand … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Iran calls for a cease-fire; heavy fighting in Bint Jbeil

Israel is in a fight for her existence Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

A moment inside my head

The job hunt continues Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

More Hezbullah war crimes

Hezbullah war crimes Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The definition of insanity

The world tries the same-old, same-old plan that didn’t work the first time around for Israel and Lebanon Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Wednesday war news, with snark

Wednesday’s war news, with snark Continue reading

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