Monthly Archives: July 2006

Site problems

Blogroll problems Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 8 Comments

You simply have to laugh at some of the haters

Some anti-Semites are so stupid, they’re funny. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Juvenile Scorn | 5 Comments

Reading material

Daniel Gordis Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Tummy Tuesday: The newest catmeme

Tig’s Tummy Tuesday Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Iran declares war on Israel with deeds, not words

Iran is exporting suicide bombers Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon | 4 Comments

Healthy pursuits

The de-stressing is not going so well Continue reading

Posted in Life | 5 Comments

The UN discovers Hezbullah war crimes

The UN discovers Hezbullah’s responsibility for civilian casualties Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Tuesday morning war news

Tuesday morning war news Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Spam mathematics

Ninety-five percent of my email is spam Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 2 Comments

Shire Network News and other links

This week’s edition of Shire Network News is up, featuring an interview with Dave of IsraellyCool as well as the Egyptian Sandmonkey. My portion will return next week. I didn’t bring my laptop with me to the hospital. There is … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests, Podcasts | 1 Comment

Hezbullah’s stranglehold on Lebanon

The Lebanese are owned by Hezbullah Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 6 Comments

Urgent Request for Donations

I received this e-mail from my sister, in Beit Shemesh: War Refugees in Bet Shemesh – Update 24/7/06 From: “David Morris – Lema’an Achai” Not just the date is 24/7 – that’s how the community in Bet Shemesh is responding … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Meanwhile, on the southern front

The IAF wipes out a major rocket stash Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | Comments Off on Meanwhile, on the southern front

Charting their ignorance

(Via J-Walk) Slate offers up a cutesy simplified chart to demonstrate what they think. You’re kidding me, right? EU and Israel shaking hands? Um… have these people ever heard of terrorist paymaster Christopher Patten, to whom open independent audits were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Iran’s hands are all over the Hezbullah war

Iran’s fingerprints are all over the Hezbullah war Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 6 Comments