Sunday carnivals

The Carnival of the Cats (this week featuring Tig and Gracie) is back home at Lair’s place.

Haveil Havalim, the Carnival of the Jews, is at Perspectives of a Nomad. A wandering view. Oh, now I get it. Funny, Soccer Dad. (You had to get the email. Actually, no, you didn’t, I just gave you the joke.)

You should be reading Soccer Dad daily to get his daily roundup of the J-Blogosphere, and the war.

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4 Responses to Sunday carnivals

  1. Fix the link to Soccerdad.

  2. What, we don’t say “please” anymore?

  3. soccer dad says:

    I’m glad someone got it.
    I think I’m so clever and no one notices half my references. Morley’s Post?
    Subtle or just unfunny?

  4. What, we don’t say “please” anymore?

    Beggin’ yer pardon, Ma’am.

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