Monthly Archives: August 2006

Thursday morning war: 7 dead Israeli civilians

Seven civilians killed in Israel; world will yawn Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 1 Comment

What’s a “meat warning”?

Meat warnings Continue reading

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No apologies here, Pat

Pat Buchanan is, probably, the best known adversary of Israel in the Washington corridors of power. If his bio linked above is to be believed, the man is an odious mixture or saurian conservatism, racism, isolationism and a few other … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Lebanon, Politics | 2 Comments

I live here too!

My first post as a cat Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 5 Comments

99 in the shade

Hot, hot, hot Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Life | 1 Comment

On Kafr Qana tragedy

The Qana disaster is a tragedy where right or wrong doesn’t mean a lot. Innocent lives are taken, and a person cannot be but silent for some time before coming forth with his/her opinion of that human catastrophe. But of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 5 Comments

Sex sells

Sex sells Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 14 Comments

A few questions on the UN cease-fire

The UN is trying to impose a cease-fire in Lebanon. But there’s a problem: A cease-fire needs to have bilateral agreement. Who is going to agree to a cease-fire on the Hezbullah side? The battle is not between Lebanon and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, World | 2 Comments


Must-read Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | Comments Off on Must-read

Wednesday morning briefs

Wednesday war briefs Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon | 9 Comments

The war in Lebanon: Win or lose?

Israel is not losing the war Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 13 Comments

The Carnival of Thanks

Thanks! Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Carnival of Mel

I was going to put up a Mel Gibson post to the effect that I don’t accept his apology, but I don’t have to. Instead, I’m going to send you over to the Carnival of Mel, which is utterly, utterly, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Bloggers, Humor | 9 Comments

Jimmah the Jew-hater speaks again

Jimmy Carter spouts nonsense on Israel again Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 6 Comments

It’s Tummy Tuesday Two!

Tummy Tuesday! Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments