Monthly Archives: August 2006

Be somewhere else

Yet another person who claims to be pro-Israel appears in my comments threads with yet another “I’m a friend of Israel, BUT” and then goes on to ask us to defend Israel against yet another charge of harming the poor, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

The Nasrallah interview: Some thoughts

The big news hitting the airwaves over the weekend was Hassan Nasrallah’s interview with a Lebanese news station in which he said he wouldn’t have approved the operation that murdered and kidnapped Israeli soldiers had he known the Israeli response … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Lebanon | 4 Comments

Blood or knowledge?

I have just stumbled on a post by Picow in One Jerusalem that is positively demanding of the “three stooges” (Olmert, Peretz and Halutz) to quit. It is not that this is a new revolutionary approach, but the vehemence of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Merkava question

I found statistics on how many Merkavas took damage during the war: Colonel Moti Kidor, Commander of the 401 Armored Corps Brigade, however, says that “those who ask these questions simply don’t understand the field, and unfortunately these include senior … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

What’s wrong with this picture?

Media bias against Israel, again Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Email catch-up

If any of you have sent me a recent email (in the last three or four days) and were expecting a response and got none, I may not have received your email. There’s been a server switch, and the spammers … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 2 Comments

Watch out for flying pigs

The AP actually changed its boilerplate to the truth for a change. Look what I found in a tongue-bath for Al-Manar, a.k.a. Hezbullah TV: During the conflict, which began July 12 after Hezbollah killed three Israeli soldiers and captured two … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Lebanon | 7 Comments

“You can’t have peace if you’re gonna have war”

Jeff Goldstein went undercover to see if people were more amenable to Jew-hatred from the left or the right. It’s an absolutely hilarious video. Doesn’t matter if you like Goldstein or not, he’s wonderful in this. If Jeff would stick … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Bloggers, Israel | Comments Off on “You can’t have peace if you’re gonna have war”

Random English major thought

There is no such word as “irregardless.” It doesn’t matter how many times you use it. It’s still not a word. Or, to put it another way: Irrespective of the frequency of the use of “irregardless,” it is still not … Continue reading

Posted in Evil Meryl | 11 Comments

Life’s no longer a beach

Life is no longer a beach Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment


Not content to kill Lebanese through the willful use of them as human shields in Hezbollah’s war on Israel, Bashar Assad is now strangling their recovery by cutting off electricity: Syria has cited technical problems for its decision to cut … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

Friday morning briefs

Friday briefs Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Respect and suspect?

Reading Debkafile is a mixed pleasure. You never know where the reality starts and the pure fantasy begins with these people, and that is on top of the team being clearly partisan and peppering what is supposed to be reporting … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Politics | 5 Comments

Maybe someone should start Carnival of the Katsav?

Just when I thought I’d won the Charcoal vs. Gas argument… AP: Israeli president grilled again over sex claims Grilled over sex claims? *sigh* I’m going to need a bigger grill.

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Maybe someone should start Carnival of the Katsav?

Your morning briefs

So, about that disarming Hezbullah thing: Looks like nobody wants to do it. UNIFIL says it’s not in their mandate. The Lebanese Prime Minister Syrian Sock Puppet says UNIFIL shouldn’t be doing it, anyway, only the Lebanese army (try not … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments