The Perils Of Using JDate

Let’s assume that you are a cheapo – just for the purpose of this post, OK? Or, if the mere suggestion turns you off, let’s make another assumption – you are for the absolute gender equality in every matter, including going Dutch with your dating-related expenses.

Then you better find yourself a good lawyer and let him equip you with a standard pre-dating agreement to be signed by you and the other party before the actual date. To avoid situations like the one described here.

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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6 Responses to The Perils Of Using JDate

  1. LynnB says:

    Well, that’s no good. I want to know how it turned out. Actually, there’s a little more here.

  2. chsw says:

    Hmmm. This stuff is what I’m talking about when I tell my friends that I do not mind my wife watching Springer, Dr. Filled-With-It, and the other TV freak shows. The guests on those shows make me look good.


  3. Oceanguy says:

    Simply hilarious. For a bit more, According to Snopes, Darren was booted from JDate.

  4. Eh. I’ve got a much worse horror story, and so, I’m sure, do many women.

    My ex left a suicide message on my answering machine, after carefully telling me it wasn’t my fault.

    It is a very long story. I may tell it someday.

    Suffice to say that I called him back, and he saw a side of me that you all have never seen. Rage does not begin to cover it.

    Let me just say that after this guy, I made up a new rule for dating: Don’t ever date a man who admires Hemingway not for his writing ability, but because he committed suicide.


    He didn’t tell me about this until after I’d been seeing him. Trust me, I never would have had a second date if this had come up on the first one.

  5. Tatterdemalian says:

    Maybe it’s just because I get all my socialization from the Interet, where anyone can say pretty much anything and not suffer anything worse than a siteban for it, but it seems that more and more people are expressing an admiration for suicide lately. I even got banned from one message board for calling suicide “the ultimate act of selfishness,” after other members started calling it “the ultimate act of bravery.”

    I suppose that’s the nature of the internet, though. Nothing brings out the absolute worst in people like lack of consequences.

  6. mira says:

    I have quit the uncivilized world of online dating but not before leaving something behind for the others still stuck in that horrible void

    Check it out!

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