ABC: Bite me, part II

Some of you may remember that last May, I went on a riff against ABC for screwing around with Grey’s Anatomy by taking the last two episodes and moving them from Sunday to, uh, whatever day they moved them to, causing me to miss them, because I came home that Sunday night from a trip to NJ exhausted, and simply taped the show and did not watch it. Nor did I watch it on Monday after work. Sometime Monday night, I became aware that Grey’s Anatomy was on, and that I missed it, and that I had totally screwed things up, but that I was confident I’d be able to, say, download the missing episodes from


So I’ve been waiting all summer to watch the reruns, and last Thursday, I settled in waiting for them to start, figuring that since next Thursday is the season opener, they’d finally run them. After all, they’ve been running two a night for some time now. So I turned on the tube at 8 p.m., and said, “I saw this one.” It was not the second-to-last episode. And the next one was not, either. Frustrated and annoyed, I realized that ABC had released the second season DVDs this week, so I called my local Blockbuster, made sure they had the last disc, and got in the car and rented the last two episodes of the season and wound up staying up far too late watching them.

Only to realize now that they’re rerunning the last two episodes next week.

On Wednesday.

Because ABC sucks.

Bite me, ABC. Again.

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