palestinian civil war watch

More fireworks:

Thousands of Fatah supporters staged an anti-Hamas march Friday amid growing tension between the political rivals.

The marchers, led by hundreds of gunmen firing in the air, chanted slogans against Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar of Hamas.

Hamas-Fatah tensions in Gaza have been running high after months of skirmishes between rival gunmen and the assassination of a top Fatah-allied security chief last week.

Earlier Friday, Palestinian gunmen opened fire in the midst of a long group of people waiting to cross from the Gaza Strip into Egypt on Friday and tossed a grenade at Palestinian officials, wounding two of them.

Palestinian sources said the militants were trying to clear the way for their relatives to get closer to the border.

However, the violence ended up causing European monitors to close the border briefly. The crossing was reopened by early afternoon, after Palestinian officers took control of the crowds.

The shooting began shortly after the Rafah crossing opened for the first time in about a month.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. They keep teasing us, but the civil war never breaks out. I think Omri’s right—it’s not gonna happen.

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One Response to palestinian civil war watch

  1. Veeshir says:

    I’m pretty surprised that it hasn’t happened. I figured it would start the day after the Israelis left.

    It’s been mostly low-grade sniping at each other, but I really expected all out civil war long ago. And an ugly one with the primary weapons being inaccurate rockets, mortars, wildly firing AKs and children-suicide-bombers.

    I’m not sure if they’re luck or unlucky to not have had that civil war.

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