The cobloggers of

I’ve been a little busy of late, what with the new job, a new year teaching Hebrew school, and other obligations. So my cobloggers, and especially Snoopy the Goon and Lair Simon, have really stepped in and taken up the slack.

But there’s a problem. Almost none of you are reading the bylines on the posts, and assuming that I’m writing them all. You keep on calling Snoopy and Lair Simon “Meryl,” and, well, they’re not.

They’ve been posting for months, and I expect by tomorrow or Friday Snoopy will have written his 150th post for Lair isn’t very far behind him, at 129. In fact, Snoopy’s latest post is the 2,000th post since I went to WordPress. That’s a milestone I gladly give him, because he’s working very hard to make my blog look better, and I’m not paying him one red cent. And now Lair Simon has offered to post the information for the Carnival of the Cats each week, an offer which may not seem very big, but is—it’s one less thing for me to remember to do for this blog, and one more thing many of my readers enjoy.

If you can’t tell the difference between our posts due to writing style (and that flummoxes me no end, as Snoopy and I have extremely divergent styles and Lair is Lair, and is unique on this earth), please take a moment to check the byline before preceding your comments with “Meryl, I think….”

Give credit where it’s due. These guys work just as hard as I to keep this blog interesting to you.

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9 Responses to The cobloggers of

  1. Elisson says:

    This is a little surprising to me, as the writing styles of the three of y’all are indeed very different. A Lair Simon post (f’r instance) is obvious to me from ten miles away.

    Having said that, I’ve guest-posted on several sites and continually fake people out. I guess not a whole lot of readers actually bother to look at the bylines.

  2. cond0010 says:

    Hey, No problem, Snoopy… I mean Meryl.

  3. Jack says:

    I am curious as to the etymology of “Red Cent.” I have to look that up. Not that it relates at all to this post, but…

  4. Veeshir says:

    You’re still my favorite Meryl. If for nothing else than alerting me to the command to “Stop verbing my nouns!”.

    Besides, Lair called me a jerk once.

  5. cond0010 says:

    “Stop verbing my nouns!”

    And she is also good for correcting ones pronoun troubles, too. ;)

  6. Sabba Hillel says:

    I have to admit that I tend not to look at the name on the byline. Even when a divergence of style will cause a doubletake, I have to confess (well Yom Kippur is coming) that I could still call Snoopy Meryl. However, I blame you (Meryl) for getting someone as sensible and intelligent as you are to stand in for you.

  7. Veeshir: Only once? Hey, don’t take it personally. Lair is as blunt as they come to everyone. Well, okay, he hasn’t called me a jerk yet, but I have special dispensation. I liked him before he was popular. Hm. I think I’ve called him a jerk once or twice, though.

    Sabba Hillel: Thanks. That’s a compliment both ways.

  8. chsw says:

    OK. YK is nigh. I apologize to all three of you if I have ever confused one with another when I commented.


  9. Veeshir says:

    Veeshir: Only once?
    Yeah, he usually just ignores me, that’s what ticks me off.

    Hey, don’t take it personally.
    Actually, I thanked him for it. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I think my quote was, “I’ve finally arrived in the blogosphere.”

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