Another apartheid wall!

The Saudis are going to build an apartheid wall on their border with Iraq.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates Sep 27, 2006 (AP)— Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with plans to build a fence to block terrorists from crossing its 560-mile border with Iraq another sign of growing alarm that Sunni-Shiite strife could spill over and drag Iraq’s neighbors into its civil conflict.

The barrier, which hasn’t been started, is part of a $12 billion package of measures including electronic sensors, security bases and physical barriers to protect the oil-rich kingdom from external threats, said Nawaf Obaid, head of the Saudi National Security Assessment Project, an independent research institute that advises the Saudi government.

Not that I expect the UN or the Hague to condemn this one.

Saudi leaders worry about Sunni extremists returning home to wage war on the U.S.-allied monarchy or Shiite militants trying to stir up trouble among the Shiite minority.

Nor do I expect to hear any complaints when the Saudis shoot Iraqis trying to cross the border. Wait for it. It wil happen, and the world will ignore the death of civilians. Because Jews aren’t the ones causing them. That’s what Israeli Double Standard Time is all about.

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4 Responses to Another apartheid wall!

  1. Niko says:

    Let’s not forget the other big apartheid wall: between India and Pakistan, built to keep Kashmiri terrorists from crossing borders, and far more conrete than the fence in Israel. I’d like to see a survey how many people ever heard of it …

  2. michael says:

    I’ve never heard of the one in Kashmir.

    And I wonder what the Saudis will do when they finish building the wall along the border from Kuwait to Jordan, and the terrorists just go through Jordan, bypass the wall, and enter Saudi Arabia. Or even go from Iraq to Syria (great border security there, folks), and hop on an airplane to Saudia Arabia.

    Wall don’t work. It takes people, acting with force and intelligence, to protect a border. Could be that’s why we’re having so much trouble here with the Gaza border.

  3. Harry says:

    Remember that rumoured meeting between a high level Israeli and a member of the Saudi royal family?
    They may have been dsicussing the purchase of Israeli technology.
    After all, if you got the bucks, why not go for the best?

  4. Veeshir says:

    I figure this wall will have those turnstile-type doors.

    They wouldn’t want to stop the flow out, it’s just the flow back that bothers them.

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