Monthly Archives: September 2006

Manuel II: we are getting closer

Byzantine emperor Manuel II met yesterday with the emissaries of Turkish Sultan, Egyptian Pasha and several other, less important Muslim ding dignitaries to resolve the outstanding issues. Reporters from Constantinople Star, Cairo Sphinx, Messopotamia Messenger and other MSM organs were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The AP reads my blog

The AP discovered terrorists rocketing Israel on a daily basis Continue reading

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New TV show

Heroes, on NBC. Two words: Watch it. If you ever liked comic books or superheroes, you’re going to love the show. NBC is repeating it tomorrow night at 8. I loved it. They haven’t found the brick yet, but I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 15 Comments

This week’s podcast

This week’s Shire Network News is up, and is now officially a Hot Air affiliate. I wonder what’s going to happen the first time I decided to go left on my contribution? Anyway, I did not get one in this … Continue reading

Posted in Podcasts | 1 Comment


News briefs Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Briefly

Must-read Caroline Glick

Caroline Glick on Jews, Israel, and anti-Semitism Continue reading

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Arabs use UN to condemn Israel, again

Arabs attack Israel through the UN again Continue reading

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Gas prices: Music to my eyes

Gas prices dip below two dollars a gallon in Richmond Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Carnival of the Cats #131

It’s a trip to Europe for the131st episode of the Carnival of the Cats, hosted by the many creatures filling the House of Chaos with furry chaos. Oh, and the catmodel of the week is… Heart may just be a … Continue reading

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Everybody doesn’t love Hezbullah

Lebanese rally against Lebanese terrorists Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Lebanon | 8 Comments

The Religion Of… Pipe-bombs?

You just have to love the irony of this: Three small pipe bombs were thrown at a Greek Orthodox church in Gaza city Friday, a church official and police said. A church official in Gaza City, Nabil Ayad, said one … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, Terrorism | 3 Comments

L’shana Tovah

A sweet, happy, and healthy new year to all of my Jewish readers. For my non-Jewish readers, a traditional Rosh Hashana food is apples with honey. It’s eaten to represent a sweet new year. Also for my non-Jewish readers: Have … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 6 Comments

Hamas stands firm on Jew-hatred

Hamas won’t recognize Israel Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Ahmadinejad: Liar. Liar. Liar.

Ahmadinejad says he’s just a great guy. He has nothing against Jews, or anyone else. “We love everyone in the world Jews, Christians, Muslims, non-Muslims, non-Jews, non-Christians,” he said, adding “we are against ugly acts.” Liar. “‘In this historical war, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

Ahmadinejad and blood traitors

Nuttery Karta meet nutty Jew-hater Ahmadinejad Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 7 Comments