Monthly Archives: September 2006

Advice for Olmert on Nasrallah

I’ve got the answer for you, Ehud: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was evasive about whether Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah is still in Israel’s crosshairs. Hizbullah planned to stage a victory rally in Beirut on Friday. Asked by Maariv whether Nasrallah … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 6 Comments

Meryl’s Guide to High Holiday Services

Say you only go to synagogue (you call it “Temple”) twice a year. You barely remember your Hebrew, or you don’t read it, and your kids don’t know it, and they’re bored, but you’ve told them that at least two … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 9 Comments

35,000 at a pro-Israel rally is not news

Thousands rally against Iran’s message of hate, world ignores them Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias | 40 Comments

Jewish anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism

A new book, reviewed: Even as their distance from Jewish values demonstrates that they are not legitimate heirs of the Jewish prophets, their role in providing cover for anti-Semitism cannot be dismissed or underestimated. The only Jew anti-Semites can tolerate … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel | 6 Comments

New era of anger management

The term anger management commonly refers to a system of psychological therapeutic techniques and exercises by which one with excessive or uncontrollable anger can control or reduce the triggers, degrees, and effects of an angered emotional state. This (and more) … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Satire | 1 Comment

Jewish leaders to Ahmadinejad: Eff you

I like this: WASHINGTON – Jewish leaders who were invited to listen to a speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday at the Council on Foreign Relations research institute in New York, expressed their astonishment over the invitation sent … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Gilad Shalit is still alive

And the palestinians will be getting hundreds, if not thousands, of prisoners released when they release him. Israel on Wednesday night confirmed for the first time that a letter has been received from Gilad Shalit. Channel 2 reported that the … Continue reading

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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (sadly) live at the UN

Iran’s Madman-In-Chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be speaking at the United Nations shortly. The United Nations streams the annual “debates” at in RealPlayer format. The text of his speech along with a video clip of his speech will probably be … Continue reading

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Kofi’s Choice

He might think of it as a speech, but I think of it as a confession (PDF format) On one side, supporters of Israel feel it is harshly judged, by standards that are not applied to its enemies, and too … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 3 Comments

Another Holocaust survival story

Get your tissues ready. (This time, the Ha’aretz story is nowhere near as well-written as the AP’s. It’s usually the other way around.) JERUSALEM (AP) – Hilda Shlick thought she lost nearly all her family in the Holocaust – until … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust | 3 Comments

The pope must die?

No, this is not the title of a mediocre movie. This is a battle cry issued by a character known as Anjem Choudary, who lives in UK and enjoys to the hilt the freedom of expression granted by this most … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Whomping On WAFA

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any sillier in Gaza, now the thugs with guns are beating up the thugs with cameras: Gunmen stormed an office of a Palestinian news service under the control of President Mahmoud Abbas on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

The Pope offends Jews; no one notices

The Pope offends Jews, Jews do not call for his murder Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Religion | 5 Comments

A Yourish in Israel

No, not me. My mother is going to be in Israel next month. Her first stop is Jerusalem. I’m trying to decide if I want to let her meet any of my Israeli blogger friends, because this is the woman … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

The last Haveil Havalim of the year

The Jewish year, of course. It’s at French Hill.

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