New TV season review

I’ve been watching a fair number of the new shows. My opinions, for what they’re worth:

Jericho: I really like this one, too. It’s a what-if scenario about what would happen to a small, remote town if someone dropped a bunch of nukes on us. I like the cast, I like the writing, I like the conspiracy-theory that they’re building up. Added to my other Wednesday night television, it makes an entire night’s worth of good shows.

The Nine: Yes, the hype was worth it. The first show gave you just enough about the characters who were held in the hostage situation to make you want to learn more. I think the writers have figured out that if Lost can get away with flashbacks, so can they.

Brothers and Sisters: Oh, no. Not another whiny yuppie show. This one is better than that horrendous “What About Brian?” (which is returning, please don’t watch it and let it die a well-deserved death). First we had thirtysomething, a show about whiny yuppies who weren’t happy being wealthy yuppies. Then we had Once and Again, which should have been called “fortysomething,” yet another show about whiny yuppies, only now they were older and had a superb actress like Sela Ward wasting her talents on that drek. Now we have “wealthysomething,” yet another series about whiny yuppies. Only this time, they’re the wealthy sons and daughters of a guy who dies in the first episode, so we get the father issue right away, and the junkie no-good son, and the stereotyping of just about every other character, and oh yeah, Callista Flockhart plays a conservative Republican talk show host. Wow, that’s going to be SO exciting. Well, at least she started eating again and isn’t hideously thin anymore.

Help Me Help You: Ted Danson is a sorta-Bob Newhart in that he leads a group therapy session. I liked the first episode (and even laughed), but didn’t remember to watch the second. I’ll keep watching, though.

I’ve already told you I love Heroes. I’m not as keen on the new Aaron Sorkin show, Studio 60 blahblahblah (like I’m going to type the whole title every time), but I’m giving it a chance. I also like Men in Trees, even though I’ve never seen Sex and the City. Ugly Betty was trite and predictable.

As for my returning favorites, I hold out almost no hope for the Gilmore Girls. The first two episodes mostly sucked. On the flip side, Lost was excellent. I may get to the episode parody tomorrow. And Grey’s Anatomy is rolling along wonderfully. That scene of McSteamy coming out of the shower last week—hoo-boy. Hot, hot, hot.

Also can’t wait for the return of Scrubs. I love that show.

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