Spin, spin, spin

The AP has recognized that Hamas won’t recognize Israel, but has yet to recognize that it is the key to the failure of the unity government. (Okay, the AP is actually pretending that Hamas may someday, possibly, could, in a way that may be acceptable to your average terrorist, acknowledge that Israel already exists, but even that it a load of crap.)

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Oct 10, 2006 (AP)— Qatar’s attempt to end a growing crisis in the Palestinian territories appeared to end in failure Tuesday after Hamas rejected the plan’s key demands that it recognize Israel and renounce violence.

Fatah faulted Hamas for the breakdown in negotiations the latest setback to international efforts to establish a unity government and restore much-needed aid to the Palestinians.

However, Palestinian Information Minister Youssef Rizka of Hamas said the U.S. was to blame for dismissing a separate Palestinian plan that would establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank but not explicitly recognize Israel. The document has been a basis for Hamas-Fatah talks.

Oh, look. Now it’s America’s fault, because we insist on the palestinians joining civil society before pouring any more money into their already-failed state. And the AP doesn’t find the contradictions in these statements to be, well, contradictory.

Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas-led government, said his group was not ready to recognize Israel or give up its armed struggle against Israel.

“We differentiate between resistance and terrorism,” he said.

Still, he said, Hamas is ready to continue the negotiations: “The way is not blocked.”

Okay, here’s the thing. Hamad is talking about negotiations between Fatah and Hamas to create a unity government. Hamas is never going to recognize Israel. And while Fatah would not like that to be one of the requirements, they are being forced to add it by the U.S. and the EU. The AP knows this, and still pretends that there is actually a chance Hamas might “succeed” in “negotiations.”

Wow. The sheer gall of the news services never ceases to amaze me.

Israel exists. For Hamas not to acknowledge it makes them look rather stupid, but it’s the principle of refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of any non-Islamic state that is at work here.

When they say they want a caliphate ruling the place where Israel and the terrortories[sic] now stand, they mean it. Why the news services, politiciains, and negotiators refuse to acknowledge this can only be explained by Israeli Double Standard Time.

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