The Mad Mullah speaks

Say, have you read all of those analyses that say that Ahmadinejad is not really speaking from power, and that he only does what the Mad Mullahs tell him to do? That Ayatollah Khameini is the real power in Iran?

Well, guess what? He’s not going to stop pursuing nuclear “power,” either.

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, said on Tuesday the country would pursue its right to develop nuclear technology, and hinted it would not suspend uranium enrichment as the West demands.

“Our policy is clear, progress with clear logic and insisting on the nation’s right without any retreat,” state television quoted him as saying, in reference to Tehran’s nuclear program.

I think that puts paid the theory that the mullahs are using Ahmadinejad’s position as a bargaining point.

Maybe that’s why I’m liking the new show, Jericho. It’s giving me tips on survival after the bombs drop.

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