The Wall of Death

It has to be a good thing when the enemy names an object of yours “The Wall of Death.”

Security forces on Tuesday night killed a terrorist who tried to infiltrate Israel from the northern Gaza Strip with an explosive belt. The terrorist was shot shortly after crossing the border fence south of the Karni crossin, and his body was later transferred back to the Gaza Strip.

The details of the incident and its circumstances have not been cleared for publication by the defense establishment and the Israel Defense Forces. No details were given on the terrorist and on his organization.

According to military sources, the incident illustrates the high motivation among terror organizations in the Strip to carry out terror attacks against Israeli targets.

According to the sources, although recently terror organizations have begun referring to the Gaza Strip border fence as “the wall of death,” in light of the large number of terrorists killed there since the disengagement plan, there are still attempts to cross the fence.

Works for me. Works for Israel. Works to keep terrorists out.

But you know, it wouldn’t be a “Wall of Death” if the bastards weren’t trying to cross it to kill Israelis.

Let me remind everyone once again that Gaza is no longer an occupied territory. It is its own little chaos-state. Thus, the reason for the terrorist attacks should no longer exist.

Shyeah. Right. Pull the other leg.

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3 Responses to The Wall of Death

  1. Joel says:

    They cannot finish that wall soon enough or build it high enough to please me. Keep the savages out!

  2. chsw says:

    I think that Israel makes a mistake by returning the bodies. Let the dead terrorist wannabes pile up and putrefy outside of these walls as a warning to other terrorist wannabes. This would be akin to medieval kings hanging the remains of executed enemies from bridges or towers as a warning to those tempted to follow.


  3. michael says:


    We don’t want to smell that here. But other than that, you’re right, and the bodies should simply be buried anonymously.

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