Condi goes LLL

Condi Rice has learned LLLeftyspeak:

“The Palestinian people deserve a better life, a life that is rooted in liberty, democracy, uncompromised by violence and terrorism, unburdened by corruption and misrule and forever free of the daily humiliation of occupation,” she told a dinner organized by the American Task Force on Palestine.

“I believe there could be no greater legacy for America than to help bring into being a Palestinian state for people who have suffered too long, have been humiliated too long,” added Rice, whose government is accused by Arab states of siding with Israel in the conflict.

I believe there could be no greater legacy for American than to defeat terrorism worldwide, including the terrorism of the palestinians, who have murdered hundreds of Americans, and who are lending their expertise in murder and constructing bombs to the terrorists who are murdering Americans in Iraq.

“Either you are a peaceful political party or a violent terrorist group. You cannot be both,” Rice said of Hamas.

Obviously, you can. Just look at Fatah, which has a “political” and “military” wing. All you have to do is say you want peace, and therefore, you are peaceful.

Tell me again how the Republicans are better friends of Israel. Because I’m not quite believing it at this point.

I’m back with the Democrats for sure, now. At least I know where I stand with them.

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7 Responses to Condi goes LLL

  1. Robert says:

    Condi should become a Dhimmicrat, she has the talking points nailed down.

  2. Jason says:

    Condi is just giving the typical state dept lip service to an arab audience. Although I am not too thrilled with her, I would rather take my chances with the Republicans (look at the congressional party caucuses, and see where the anti-israel votes come from) than the party of Dean,Kerry and Carter.

  3. Cynic says:

    Rice was Djerejian’s protege and he is Baker’s right hand.
    Need anything more be said?

    After Baker and co. forced the PLO and Arafat on Israel by accepting them as the only Palestinian representative in the late 80s, thus forcing her poor suffering Palestinians to suffer all the more, she declares:

    US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday the United States would work hard to create a Palestinian state free of the “daily humiliation” of Israeli occupation.

    The stupid woman cannot see how rediculous her current statements appear after the happenings of the past 18 years and in light of the result of the Gaza border plan she and Wolfensohn “brokered”.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Nobody is going to give the Palis what they deserve, which is death and permanent exile for their crimes. If they would stop attacking Israel they’d have a state. If they hadn’t attacked Israel they’d have had a state 58 years ago. What so few seem to understand is that they don’t want a state of their own, they want to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. If they can do that any tyrannical thug regime will be satisfactory to them, and they will not insist on a Pali state.

  5. Solid Surfer says:

    Condi Rice is absolutely right. The Palestinians deserve a life unburdened by their own violence, their own terrorism, their own corruption, their own misrule, and their own occupation of Jewish/Israeli land.

    They do indeed deserve a state as well, given to them by their fellow Arabs and called Jordan.

  6. Sabba Hillel says:

    Under the Democrats, we would see the IDF forced to smuggle in arms as they did in the War of Independence. Remember, the US and the South Vietnamese defeated two major invasions from the north before the US Congress ensured that they had no military supplies (including bandages. That is why the third invasion succeeded. If the Democrats get in, they will do their best to disarm Israel, force its borders back to the 1948 cease fire line, and ensure that the border is completely open. At least the Republicans listen to sane human beings.

  7. Tony says:

    “(F)ree from the daily humiliation of occupation” was a phrase that George W Bush used in his September 2004 address to the UN General Assembly. It is one that bothered me then (the so-called “occupation” resulted from Arab aggression in pursuit of its destroy Israel and the Jews policy), and its repetition bothers me even more now. A key difference between the two uses of that phrase is that Gaza is no longer “occupied”.

    I think Condoleeza Rice has jumped the shark (gone from believable to unbelievable) since her appointment to SoS.

    Would a Democrat White House or Congress be better than the Republicans in thoughtful support for Israel? I can’t see any amongst the current Democrat leadership who would do a better job than the Republicans.

    A “rogue” SoS (plus the arabist Department of State) therefore seems to be one of the US political aberrations that Israel and her supporters have to work with.

    So, what’s new?

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