Monthly Archives: October 2006

BBC liberal? My foot!

It will be superfluous to join the chorus of the indignant voices that have just “discovered” or are simply gloating at the latest scandal about the BBC bias. Daily Mail being what Daily Mail is, its thirst for scandals paid … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias | 4 Comments

Gracie block

I seem to be unable to concentrate on much besides Gracie’s health today. I’m debating whether or not to take her to the specialist. She has not vomited since yesterday, and again, that was right after Tig hissed and growled … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 6 Comments

Gracie update 9: Home at last

Gracie is home. When I got to the vet’s, she was alert and awake and meowing and rubbing against me. I brought some food from home because she hasn’t eaten in a week, and I thought perhaps she’d eat her … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 28 Comments

Gracie update 8

Turns out there’s a small animal specialist in Richmond. They’re sending Gracie there. She doesn’t want to eat, and she’s still vomiting. I’m going to stop by with some of her food and see if I can tempt her to … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

How I learned to lie about Islam

Yvonne Ridley, the woman who was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan and ultimately converted to Islam (one’s mind does immediately jump to “Stockholm Syndrome,”) waxes poetic—and untruthfully—about the equality of women under Islam. Here’s my favorite part: A careful … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Religion | 7 Comments

This week’s SNN

This week’s Shire Network News is up. I’ve contributed another On Second Thought, which I’ll put up in a day or two. Podcast listeners get dibs. It’s a bit of a potpourri, with a little help from some more friends, … Continue reading

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Carnival of the Cats #135

It’s not quite coming home, but Carnival of the Cats #135 is at Catcall, my readerblog at the Houston Chronicle’s website. So who is the Catmodel of the week this week? It’s the Lady In Red, regal park resident and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Comments Off on Carnival of the Cats #135

Open letter to Mr. John Karen

Dear Mr. Karen, I have received an unsolicited e-mail from your desk that I, with(out) your kind permission will partially quote here: FROM THE DESK OF JOHN KAREN. Manager,Credit and Foreign Bills of Coutts and Co. LONDON UK. My name … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Satire, Terrorism | Comments Off on Open letter to Mr. John Karen

Divine irony

Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? This story is almost too precious for words: The Nazis forced Jews in concentration camps to forge British pound notes, with which they hoped to undermine the British economy. After the … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Israel | 4 Comments

Gracie update 7

There’s been no change. She vomited again last night. If anyone knows any other vets out there, I’d be happy to give them my vet’s number for a consult. Because there is no apparent physical reason for her to be … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 17 Comments

Good news/bad news

The good news is they found nothing during Gracie’s surgery. The bad news is they found nothing. The vet is running bloodwork again because she didn’t like the color of the liver. But Gracie’s a little overweight, and the fat … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 21 Comments

A new chapter in stand-up comedy

Mahmoud the Mad, the most popular Middle-Eastern stand-up comedian is not content with being recognized as such. He is striving for recognition in new markets, in this case the European ones. Toward this goal, Mahmoud is developing several new techniques, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Satire | 6 Comments

palestinian civil war watch: Haniyeh’s not dead yet

There was an optimistic article in Ynet recently: Fatah, Hamas agree to end violence Palestinians hopeful that agreement reached between factions through Egyptian mediation on cessation of hostilities will hold Nope, it didn’t. Haniyeh escapes convoy attack Palestinian security officials: … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Red on Red

Fateh nearly saved the IDF the cost of a missile Unidentified gunmen opened fire on security vehicles escorting Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh’s convoy through Gaza on Friday, but the Hamas leader was unhurt, officials from the Islamist movement said. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Meryl to Ahmadinejad: You’ll disappear before Israel does

Gorilla Boy is making bad predictions again. CBS/AP) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday that Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear. “This regime, thanks to God, has lost the reason for its existence,” Ahmadinejad … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran | 2 Comments