Monthly Archives: October 2006

Waiting and worrying

Well, there’s nothing to do this morning but hope and pray and wait. They didn’t tell me exactly when Gracie’s going into surgery, only that it’s this morning. Last night on the way home, I popped in the Mary Chapin … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 10 Comments

Marvel at the AP spin

You simply have to just shake your head and wonder how these editors sleep at night. Look at the latest AP story about Human Rights Watch calling out Hezbullah for using cluster bombs in civilian areas, and contrast it to … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Lebanon | Comments Off on Marvel at the AP spin

Gracie update 6: The visit

I went to see Gracie before the vet closed tonight. She looked pretty miserable. She has an IV in her front paw, and she threw up while I was there. She’s still doing that every few hours—that was the fourth … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Princess Gracie

I met her on Easter Sunday in 1997. She was just a few weeks old. Someone had left her and nine other ten-day-old kittens at the Clifton (NJ) animal shelter, and the shelter fostered them out to various vets in … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 39 Comments

On British diplomatic ingenuity

Stuff of legends, that British ability to resolve anything using nothing but diplomatic wit and savvy. The Sun, under a rather shrilly headline Brave heroes hounded out, displays a shining example of that famous British tradition. Tragicomedy in 3 acts: … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous, Satire | 4 Comments

News snarks

Reuters is reporting, well, news: Ohmigod! Reuters is reporting that Hezbullah used cluster bombs on Israeli civilians. Quick, write this down in your diary; you’ll never see its like again. Of course, the article spends about 90% of its words … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel | 1 Comment

Vote for me for the Virginia Senate seat

I’ve decided that I want no part of either George Allen or Jim Webb. Or the independent candidate. And talking to some of my friends, we discovered we feel about the same. So I’m announcing my write-in candidacy for the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 20 Comments


Thanks to those of you who have hit the tipjars this past week. It’s been a big help, and Gracie’s bills are piling up. So are the rest of the bills, come to think of it. Good thing I get … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Random spider thought

Okay, I know that a Daddy Long-legs is utterly harmless. I know it won’t bite you. But still—when one of those things gets in my apartment, I just want it out. Brrr. This one had, like, eight-inch legs. I showed … Continue reading

Posted in Bugs | 3 Comments

Gracie update 5

The endoscopy was done this afternoon. Aside from a discoloration and irritation towards the back end of the stomach/bowel area, the vet didn’t find anything. He’s not quite sure what to make of the irritation. They did the barrium X-Ray … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 8 Comments

They could be Heroes

The latest episode of Heroes: Man, they just keep getting better. Shock after shock, surprise after surprise (though it was pretty easy to see the end of the cheerleader’s little jaunt with the quarterback; they telegraphed it a mile away), … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 2 Comments

Gracie update 4.1

The vet still hadn’t done the endoscopy when I called a little while ago. Gracie is still vomiting every hour or two, but they keep telling me she isn’t depressed or lethargic. Probably annoyed that she can’t stop throwing up, … Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

Lost episode minisummary

So I’m watching last week’s episode of Lost, and some things fairly leap into my mind, but I don’t want to do the entire episode, which takes, like, an entire hour. So here are some snippets: [IN THE BOAT] Sun: … Continue reading

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Jews helping Muslims: A story the MSM will never print

Jews in Israel are helping underprivileged Muslims prepare for the end of Ramadan. The same Jewish group who gave food assistance to underprivileged Jews during Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot is now turning to help an unlikely crowd: underprivileged Muslims who … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 4 Comments

Only in Russia

The article (some of you will have to believe me, I know) starts with the news about a theft of a new novel written by Victor Pelevin, one of the outstanding contemporary Russian writers. An electronic copy of the novel, … Continue reading

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